
It's something like you find a video of yourself online. That your getting raped by the criminals in Jail or however you want to put the scenario as. It could be beating or suffering from a disease in the hospital as well. Now somebody comes to your house shows you the video & tells you that it was you. You know already that it was you yes, but at the same time it wasn't you. You tell them you know what that couldn't be me, I was busy at that time whatever the time-stamp shows. But you know it could prolly be my clone that's getting abused intentionally on purpose & he or she is enjoying it as well.

Now first of all finding a footage of a person that wasn't you yourself is the crime, or in a lot of the countries that's the only cyber crime that the Law know of.

Now on top of that somebody walks in & takes the credit for doing it. And is hell bent on that no no no it was you. What do you know about clones?

In such cases comparing to the Observers Eye View. You yourself are the victim of abuse one way or other because he or she is spooning it. But at the same time your the judge, the lawyer & the law enforcement agent as well.

The criminal in this case is standing in the court obviously guilty but he or she is hell bent on the crime that they committed. And taking credit for it as well. They know exactly with precision what was wrong or what made them cause wrong. And threat you with it. It could be them it could not be them. But regard-less they are taking & giving the credit for it. And the best part is they are hell-bent to get punished. standing in the court giving evidence upon evidence against their own selves or however they are related to it one way or the other. So, that the US Authorities could bust them & punish them.

Now in such cases for instance if they pay a barber or sorcerer to edit your memory & make the video the part of your life before they come & discuss it. What's the best way to put the above discussion & in to what category? Obviously, Cyber Crime category. It really doesn't matter how they describe it or in what category criminals want to put it in.

But if you investigate such people or companies that has those serial killing patterns or at least profiles based on something related to it. The verdict is always The Death Penalty. And they themselves invited the Law & provided evidence upon evidence against their own selves in the victims house. Doesn't matter if it was related to the Past, Present or Future.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.