Report 26 AUGUST
There is a machine in the room they call the Delhi Chicken Machine. There is a huge blob containing a witch & heads of people that's part of it. We caught them in Athens, Greece. It absobrs all the work & Zikrs. There is a huge elephant type type in the up-stairs lounge that makes everything opposite. Another thing in the house that makes absorbs the Zikrs & channels them to their liked people.That's just the Zikr Zikr & Namaz-Scene.
Al though, they are all inter-linked & connected to each-other. Spreaded all accrossed in different flat dimensions. And my house & the neighborhood is part of it as well or their network. Meaning having various copies of houses, neighbors & neighborhood.
Various windows opening inside the house from entirely somewhere else. Even if you kill a thing a new things pops-out from them. Having their own posts & conditions.
Their projections big or small if any are just hide-outs. Treat them as such. And they fit people inside of it or outside of it and the house-hold as well. They are marked for Death. Since a while by the Authorities.
Should treat them as posts based & not things based.
P.S. In support. They just listen to the conversations we do. They aren't watching them. The latter supposedly the next level of the first.