New Escalation: Spirits World
New Escalation has been reported last night. Where the Spirits came out of their Quadrant, also known as Alame Arwah in Urdu. I think I was may be 2 years old when I first came here. And didn't leave until studied them completely. Thanks as always to Shaykh Ibrahim.
In the word ARWAH, the only letter related to them is H. You can call it an "haich" or "aich". Arwa means R & WA, R is an R and WA or VA is the Prophet [SAW], based on Washington and Virginia. Proof being Jibreel, Ruh al-Amin, so it's a clean word. Some people relate it to Qadyani's, but that's the post created by the Prophet [SAW] and Allah on Venus. So, our minds should be clear on that.
Secondly, the scenario is something like, the spirits belong to hardcore India. They dress-up in Saari's and men in things wrapped around their legs. As you sleep they come with their sick prayers that are usually things to make you awkward and start shoving them inside your body. The prayers are all about to make you look awkward so that can have their food. They eat minds and thoughts. The women usually say I saw him in my dream and we got married. Moving to your house with families while wank or sex or stuff related pisses them off. In the Quadrants such as Rubvah in Pak. You'll visit the Masjid and find plenty of huge sick hindu spirits reciting sick hindu prayers and stuff.
In Wolof and other languages, they say wow or simply wa. Wow in English means Paish, Hazir or Appear Instantly, of-course you need to have in mind what Salah or Zikr that you did should appear.
You'll note plenty of bad smell around. That's just to prove that you died or if not they are up for it. So, if you reply wow or wa instead of yes, they ask what do you mean? just say it's the Prophet [SAW]. The sermons in the Masjids are usually full of swearing and non-sense. So, does the other activities.
If you haven't already noticed them. They're mixed with the left-overs of the previous tolas. They can only operate in Urdu. If you know Urdu, you'll notice they drag you in to cooked-up conversations without you realizing, what language your using. Just like hindi dubbed English movies.
Plenty of Muss-hoor-kun or Buhoor or what we call here the Agarbatti's or Bukhoor is awesome once after the daily Fajr.
[Using English now as well]
We are going to play a little "A" kind of Quantum Mechanics while pissing the 'Activity' off
Inside the body or outside the body = similar [proved mystic science] ∝ Dis-Integrate
Either could be inside the room or outside the room anywhere don't care = similar [proved mystic science] ∝ Dis-Integrate
If there is any kind of illegit movement et all, till 7th sense they'll dis-integrate regardless of knowing or not knowing, taking-out complete networks top to bottom, right and left, front and back
Somehow they got them to do the dirty work. Plus "you know" stuff is pretty much the same for all of them. Except for the few exceptions in method.1. System or room within the room where they can freely practice sick prayers is/was in Atlanta, USA2. Grave Maker in the Bed. Accra, Ghana3. The portal door right in front of the face or the body in Kerala, India4. The Ghost kind of things Senegal5. Things, Fes, Morocco6. Table set-up. Maiduguri, Nigeria7. The front wall gate. Capetown, South AfricaMore to follow...
