Logic ∝ Dis-integrate
Although, there are millions of books available on Logic or Mantiq or Mantakk in the Market. The gist of all there is to it is based on the few Hadiths of the Prophet [SAW].
I heard the Messenger of Allah [SAW] say, “Whoso-ever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand [Faqat!] and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue [Faqat!] and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart [Faqat! — al together!] and that is the weakest of faith.”
The Prophet also said, “Actions are by Intentions.”
Starting from Intentions to communications to implementing those actions & proving them either way. If the Enemy has reached the Peace & still stalking to hurt without making any sense & without any Logic based on the following fundamental principles. Than everything is already written by Allah & mentioned in the examples of the Prophet [SAW] on what to do with them.
- Intentions
- Communications
- Actions
- Proving Themselves
Once someone asked a Shaykh where are we & where do we actually exist? He said, we in fact exist in the Mind of Allah & our forms are just projections. Similarly, if Allah wants us to get projected in a certain way. There is no power in the entire Universe that can undo what Allah wants.
Being inside the Mind of Allah & getting projected wherever & however, He wants us to be. Means that whatever piece of information we get & what we do with it is originally his choice or at least should be, if somebody comes & tries to mold Allah’s choice in to someone else’s choice. This is the starting point of where the War & Conflicts on a Divine Scale begins.

How to give Logic to someone is a Science in itself al together. But what it means is if someone comes to you & doesn’t make any sense at all & doesn’t weigh on the scale of your own understandings based on the fundamental principles mentioned above. Then you hand over the matter to the Sharyah or The Jurisprudence you practice which of course has to be based on already established Religions that Billions follow & write about.
And being inside Allah, He already knows their Intentions & however they communicate, secret, hidden or encrypted & what they going to do about it & how they are going to prove themselves or may not prove at all. Any moment in Time & any Region in Space. He & his Books will take care of it. Because as mentioned in the Hadith, That, “We even have information of every Leaf that the Wind blows.” If your bigger than the leaf & causing havoc, then definitely He’ll make sure of the punishment. As I said before everything is already mentioned.
There was a Sufi Shaykh once in the Sufi Tree of Shaykh Imdad Ullah Mahajir Makki, his name was Mian Noor Muhammad. After the Clone War Resistance. Shaykhs & their families moved out of India but he chose to stay. The enemies were after him the whole time but he'd pretend there's no one around & he's alone in a small castle like house. They would send their best of the best to steal. One night he was going to sell some gold & someone jumped in to the house, the voice came, are you blind? And the thief lost his eye sight. Another one came & the similar scenario then another one then another one. Until each & everyone of them went blind & left the existence.
That's the general notion in Indian Sufism. When they escalate we also escalate with what we have. Better & far superior then them.
The Poet says:
O Centre of the compass! O inmost ground of the truth!O pivot of necessity and contingency!
O eye of the entire circle of existence! O point of the Quran and the Furqan!
O perfect one, and perfecter of the most perfect, who has been beautified by the majesty of God the Merciful!
Thou art the Pole (Qutb) of the most wonderous things. The sphere of perfection in its solitude turns on thee.
Thou art transcendent, nay thou art imminent, nay thine is all that is known and unknown, everlasting and perishable.
Thine in reality is Being and not-being; Nadir and Zenith are thy two garments.
Thou art both the light and its opposite, nay but thou art only darkness to a gnostic that is dazed. [*]
[*] Abd al-Karim al'Ji-li, And Muhammad is his Messenger - The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety, Annemarie Schimmel (1985), The University of North Carolina Press, p. 137, ISBN 0-8078-1639-6