“Technically, nobody is allowed to Judge except God when it comes to His own Reality.”
Nobody becomes or can become for that matter Allah, Prophet [SAW], SAT or Shaykh Ibrahim. It's just the Scholarship nothing else, that you get to use their work & they don't worry about it because they already gave you the Permission. Pushing the buttons is always upto "You". Al though, all 4 of them might very well be present in your room at least somewhere in the Time & Space continuum since it's their Scholarship. For other stuff you send a request & someone brings it.
I recall a movie couldn't find the name but it was a sequel of an horror movie that was made earlier sort of like London plot. Then this one came out recently, it showed in every house in Jerusalem there was a Zombie that has already bitten it's inhabitants regardless of religion.
And the source was an abandoned lunatic asylum that had tunnels. If you go to Synagogue or Ancient Churches or Masajid when you pray you bring them, when you pray in the house alone you bring them. You take the name of God let alone religions you bring them. No place at all was safe. Once bitten by a Zombie the people turn into Bats & Cockroaches. And you can't bring them back in any way possible & they will just consider themselves as bi-polar army freaks. Except for the IDF & Intelligence, people didn't know about what's going on. And they didn't die either but take one form after the other.
And in reality almost Arab population never really came over. And there is so much peace & love on all the other sides, no fight at all. But this side is just warifical screwed. Both sides in just among Muslims couldn't A, how can you A all sides with the Zombies?

The books I wrote about are just my Confessions, anyone who reads that's one pastor credit given. Besides if Cisse sits up, we automatically sit down. Technically, nobody is allowed to Judge except God when it comes to His own Reality.
As you progress in your journey the Aliens aren't the problem at all. It's the un-satanic evil possession that possesses & bothers. And religions & their training's based on reality plays an important role, so you don't end up being like them.