Either way

''Know that the Connection with the People of Allah and to be close to them, is to be connected with Allah and standing in His Presence. Because they are the Means to the Mercy of Allah in this Life and in the Here-After. And from their hands descend Blessings from the Merciful to all those who are deprived and they are the Mediators between us and Allah. And if it were not for them, nothing of this world would exist. Allah said, “Oh you who believe, if you help Allah, Allah will help you.” [47:7] And At-Tirmidhi narrated from a Hadith Qudsi, “ If you Honour my Awliya, I will Honour You.”
Shaykh Umar ibn Sa'eed Al-Futi,radhiyallahu anhu.

Similarly, Experience in the Tijani Way suggests for it of being the Either way,

* "And if we can't exist they can't exist."

* "That if you take from Them I'll Take from you."

For the Tijanis it goes as long as the First Hadith of Bukhari that, "Actions are based upon Intentions." In the sight of Allah subhanahu wa ta ala, Intending for something is as good as committing it. In such scenarios for us alone a culprit intends something & in Allah's sight flying high or chasing us, it has already occurred even though even if it has occurred it was undone or hasn't or can never occur to begin with. But intention caused the action far far away in some land that needs to be reviewed by Him & the price to pay the penalty will surely follow.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.