About 6 months ago we parachuted in Shanghai, China. Following the Indian banday mataram tone finger prints & bm com was just being launched & crashed but they came to find-out in their lives last moments.
While SpaceX rocket reached destination X, a mission was sent to a Planet near by. The beings stunk bad and they were pretty much like weird lamahs. It came to our attention investigating while benning them, that they were working on a parallel system to conquer other Planets. Since, we had to take care of the Brexit deal, we thought to fuck and cook them real good. Indian clones were found walking as well. And long before we found out, they got scattered, cloned further and picked the best characters from the Countries and started communications. No one ever found out who they were until Pakistani suicide missions fucked them up.
People tend to believe that they were around since a very long time. But it was all a Time & Space trick-shot. Following Indian movies were their only way of life.
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