You might’ve heard of the Altars when reading about or practicing Satanism. The most important mark in any Cult practice are the Altars they carry. There are plenty of Powerful Cults in the World. And of course we don’t have any kind of problems with them. The problems arise when they escalate & instead of targeting one person [which of course is a crime itself] they target the Areas & escalate their evil ways to the rest of the Planet.
Back to the lecture at hand, the Altars placed remotely are as good as Altars placed locally. If for instance someone has made an Altar to affect you or your lifestyle, located in her house or in a Jungle somewhere. If you do something to yourself while sitting wherever you are located in the City. It’s going to have a direct impact on the Altar wherever it might be in the World.
This example can be understood as a Server Administrator working remotely on a Server connected to the Internet. Although, it could be half a Planet away but since he has the job & the rights & the user login & password information, he can access it wherever in the World it might be.
Although, they make Altars to work as any computer machine but besides witch-craft, the Altar usually works as an Evil Box or a place carrying evil prayers that affect the person directly & whoever has access to the Altar within that Cult can intervene in that person's life. there could be more than one Altar located locally or remotely, in the case of an Area located strategically. And since houses & places you’ve been to are relative to your own body, so the evil Altar will be relative to all the places you’ve left your mark as well. And besides the usual Altars to empower the Worshipers, if it’s used as a destruction mechanism it could very much be fatal & lethal.
If you're exposed to the radio-activity in a controlled environment, it’ll literally fry all those connected to yourself including the Altars & the clones [if any] along with the evilness of all those places you’ve been to.
Simply praying on a regular basis, individually or collectively in the Church or a Masjid, does the same kind of Job, especially if you don't have access to the Nuclear Domain. Under the guidance of a Shaykh or a Pastor is even better because you don’t have to worry about getting cooked in retaliation by your evil enemies or whatever or whoever is connected to them one way or the other.
During our investigations we’ve even encountered networks upon networks of diseases themselves, having communications access & all the luxury in the World. Usually the health scene is well managed & if there is any disease or something is exposed to the public accidentally or with intention the cure is usually already there. But without proper documentations & access to the proper antidotes, networks such as the people behind & being the disease themselves & escalating as an epidemic to the rest of the humanity for some petty cash making can no longer be allowed. On a State or just about any level.
But that’s just the disease part. The possession itself along with you & your body as a growing business in some other part of the World without you having any clue of it is also a Crime to be dealt with.
The difference between Science & Religion is, besides the dogmatic conclusions. If a religious person encounters a voice emanating from somewhere & specially if it’s spooky, he’s going to call the witch doctors. But in Science the footprints of that voice will be traced because technically there can't be no voice or sound if there is no source or someone behind it. In almost all the cases we've dealt with, the evil had a body & usually living in a house along with family somewhere. Once the source is traced & established, it’ll look for the persons or the networks behind it, especially when their intentions are lethal & harmful to the general public. The relative authorities should always be informed in preventing such scenarios preferably even before they getting occurred.