
There were 360 idols [small letter "I" because they get it without experiencing or walking through it] in Kaba. The godly statues were relative to each & every individuals body across the World.

Prophet Muhammad [SAW] only Post was to clean the Human bodies physically & spiritually & get rid of those statues or anythhing other than God that resides in the Human Body or it's Spiritual Gnome. As a result Mysticism & Quantum Mechanics as Physical Sciences got developed & came in to effect.

Quantum Mechanics, can be regarded as the Room science. Where you can use your room as infinite as possible, without worrying about the skys limit. Based on already well researched & established Rules & Laws of General Science or Physics in perticular. Just because nobody can object or bother or deny it.

We already know Kaba is a Room, a Square & constantly there are hundreds & thousands of prayers pulled in respect from every direction of the World. Since, it's a square, there is a Circle outside it & other geometrical shapes & size objects can be found around it. Making the complete Geometry blessed. If you look inside the Kaba, you'll notice pottery hanging with the rope, depicting the laws can only be controlled by the people belonging to the Land [some may call it Mars or Mirreekh].

After, Fa'th Mecca. the Prophet [SAW] detroyed the idols striking them with his stick or a cain. The moment he was striking them & they were falling down on the floor & turning into broken pieces. The people around the World noticed things falling off their bodies. Before, Prophet Muhammad [SAW] it was all about guiding & guidance, after him it became holding on to what has gone before & strategise & organise, so it won't ever happen again.

The Establishment of cleaning the Kaba from the idols was also a major event because technically, a Room is a room as singular entity. Whatever occurs in one room can be experienced in all the rooms across the Universe. In a room or rooms all directions are relative to each other. It depends on the observer how he sees it. A left can pretty much be right & a right can pretty much be left. Although, you may ask the House owner what he thinks, but the Architect himself may have planned it differently.

The idols were placed in such a way, that if you worship one there is no relation to the other one. Because it was standing on the left corner & the other one on the extreme right. Plus, you can't be able to worship all 360 of them at the same time.

Just imagine, it's been 600 year since Prophet Jesus [SA] demise. And since 600 years almost, there were things inside people's bodies working & controlling them. And each & every thing inside had no connection with each other, but are all within one body. If they want a no then it's a no or if yes you can't do anything about it. And that was for the most literate ones.

Kaba is a building relative to the Human body [you can find various Hadiths of the Prophet [SAW] regarding Kaba & the Human bodies are related or relative]. But Kaba being the Body is more of a Symbol or Symbolism rather than literally killing The God & burying him inside that building. The Prophet [SAW] strictly prohibited Muslims of such acts & told plenty of times to stay away from such people. He also called it The Bid'a, like in the Juma Khutba we say, "Kullu Bid'a Az'Zalalata, Kullu Zalalata Fin Naar...". And obviously the point of bowing down to Kaba would die here according to Sahih Hadiths.


Paradoxes depend on intentions. If the intention is made, the events that follow based on the intentions has technically occured with all it's scenarios or may not have occured, depending on your education & the college degree by a recognised State instituition.

Now back to the lecture at hand, The base of Quantum has few major points & you guys already know, it's micro set-up that is relative to the macro set-up, either way but this discipline focuses on the micros. The points are:

1. Inside, outside, on & around the body is directly relative to the inside, outside, on & around to your room or the house.
2. Inside the body or the house is inside but once you walk out of your room or the house, it's the whole world regarded as the one world.
3. If your inside your room, your inside yourself alone & whatever objects that are lying in the room are inside themselves & there is absolutely no-connection between you & those people or objects.
4. The Humans inside World might be different than the Object's inside World, visible or invisible.
5. If there is an any kind of contact between the object & the person involved then it can surely be regarded as the First Contact.
6. Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse said, "Be like you don't posses someone & someone doesn't possesses you." [The Removal of Confusion, Fons Vitae 2010]
7. Like I said, In a room or rooms all directions are relative to each other. It depends on the observer how he sees it. A left can pretty much be right & a right can pretty much be left. Although, you may ask the House owner that what he or she thinks, but the Architect himself may have planned it differently.[*]

In-short, inside, outside, on & around. Can be around the body or the house. Can be really close & can be really far. Can be really close & very far at the same time. Of-course it has to do something with the people involved. Any direction the best bet would be to track them however outside.

To be continued...

^The Directions are relative to each-other by default. It doesn't mean you have to find a relative in the family to make them relative. For e.g. 1 & 2

^ It works for Americans by default hence the name of the book, "American Paradox". But they clone, abuse & misuse us.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.