Countdown to Extinction
We already know there are 4 Quadrants on every Planet. So, technically you yourself are in reality 4 in number. Let’s just say on Earth, your 4 different people. It could be possible that you have contact between each other, the other 3 could be your 3 Sisters, or whoever your Mom gave the Job to, to be you. It’s very much possible that You yourself, your Sisters or your Mom doesn’t know anything about the other 3 Quadrants & someone else might’ve taken your Job for you.
If there could be more than 4 Quadrants, then they must necessarily be located within the 4. An act done in 1 Quadrant is obviously done in the other 3. It’s not possible that if your going to School in one Quadrant but your not in the others.
If for instance for some reason one day you wake-up in the rest of them & go to your School. If you find out that you weren’t present in the School for the whole 1 year. Then it means a lot of trouble for your emotional life as well as the School life as well as the School & it’s staff it-self. And maybe one day, The United States will invade your Country.
The Prophet's [SAW] use to shepherd the cattle herd. But that was actually someone else doing the Job & that’s the case with most of the Prophet’s. That's the difference between Kalam and the mere storytellers. The reason being the Prophet [SAW] wasn’t even just in some other Quadrant but it’s more than evident that he was also in some other Time Zone. The Prophet Muhammad’s [SAW] nick Adnan or AD tells us that he is or was from the Future. AD or After Death is after the BC & that’s something when they were after Jesus Christ or his ways or his styles that why it’s still called Before Christ.
Now we know that there are 4 Spaces called the Quadrants & plenty of Time Zones, within those Quadrants. Getting to the BC era isn’t usually possible until your really worth it. But it’s always the Universities or Establishments themselves that sends the Student on important tasks or missions. It could be possible that I’m writing this Book in BC & you are reading the copy in AD. But that’s how it is.
BC also means the here-after & we already know that when a person sleeps, he might wake-up dead. That means he could possibly wake-up in the here-after. So, here-after & the previous World is kind of Relative as in the Theory of Relativity. There are plenty of Hadiths clearing up this concept as well.
There is a Verse in Surah Hadid that says:
“He is the Beginning and the End, the Obvious and the Secret, and He is, of all things, Knowing.” [Q57:3]
Awwal Akhir Zahir Baatin or Beginning End Obvious Secret are the 4 Worlds, we just discussed. And are all equal to the person individually and collectively. If your performing Salah or a good deed in one of them affects all 4. If you can picture yourself praying somewhere it has to exist somewhere in the Reel as well. Otherwise it won't be possible picturing the happening. Now it's up to you if you want to show yourself to others or pray quietly. And of-course all of that depends on the Permission or Ijazah from a recognised Authority.
Speaking of Authority, Shaykh Shahid Ullah Faridi said, in the "Inner Aspects òf Faith". If you don't have Permission your absolutely no one to teach Islam to anyone or any things. Permission is given to an individual after the Shaykh gets satisfied. It's like marrying your Daughter to an accomplished Student. Because that's the purpose Permissions serve Secretly and Openly.
Now back to the lecture at hand, that was just how many of you are there part. But there will be more to come in the coming Chapters. To further enhance the Calculations done with the good deeds as you already know, every deed will be multiplied by 4. So, if the Prophet [SAW] says, “If you remember me Once, Allah will remember you 10 Folds”. Although, it sounds like 1 x 10 or may be 1 = 10 = 100 but in reality it’s 1000 as it is. So, 1 deed will equal 1000 deeds, of-course if you open every commitment with the name of your Prophet [SA’s]. Because they all spoke & still speak His language.
Praying 4 Raka’s of Fajr, technically means you have prayed 4 x 1000 x 4 = 16000 Raka’s. Knowing the knowledge is the key plus even if your not present in any of them & are may be on some other Planet, other than Earth then even Intentioning it works like a Charm. To get an idea of how it works & to add up more numbers check this GFX out.