ID-4 [Spirits]

There are only 4 kinds in the Universe. Spirits, Human Beings, Jinns & Angels or Malaika. The World of Arwah*, Nasut, Jinn or what they call Bhooka because all of them get eaten & Malakut. What makes them 2 or 5 or 6 or 10 is another Story. It's possible an Angels child is born as half Jinn half Angel. And they turned him in to Human Being or a Human Being turned in to Jinn or an Angel or half this & half that.

Of-course it's in The God's hand to turn someone into someone. There are Islamic Deities as well as Hindu Deities. And nobody ever has access to them at-least knowing it as well publicly. What happens in the Battlefield V is usually people get turned into something without prior authorization from any above authority & almost all of the time subjects don't have any memory of it. They are assigned particular one liner tasks when they get raised & that becomes their only life, working for their very own serial killer usually from the Cults in India. There could be a Swamiji or a Sadhu or any Guru with proper following in the previous life. But when you talk about the after-life even they can't help themselves  getting rid of the Demons, that work as them but in an exact opposite way.

First of all they don't have any clue what after life is because following the Worldly life makes them not to reach their own Hindu Deities, secondly if you see the after-life, someone else is doing the job for them turning people into things. But it's not their job is it? I mean running the entire Karma scene & after all evil is evil regardless of any religion.

After-life as the Qur'an mentions, people won't be having any Age, nor will they die [You can read Darwins theory]. They can be whatever or however they want to be. The Prophet  also mentions Hadiths that to sum it all up, people sleep at night & they wake-up dead. But they are sent back again by the Angels or however it works. After-life is the place of study & work. Even if someone doesn't have any clue, he needs to exceed & excel. It's not possible to not only don't work & study but cause unnecessary havoc as well, if on greater scale it's simply point-blank to the authorities.

Who is responsible? The Spirits. But responsible in the sense to implement for establishing the rit. And who does them? The things that think that they are the Holy Spirit or Ruh al-Amin or Ruholla. But you can't classify them with names. Because? They don't have a language that they can use to earn. Nor any nationality nor whatever you could ever think of an individual should have individually or collectively. But yet they look for Jobs everywhere & of course they can't really eat food or do whatever they like, until there is a subject that they can abuse. And that'll make them hungry as well make them perform other necessities of life. They follow & behave exactly like how things react & live the daily life in the World of Arwah or Spirits. If the Government or an Establishment, creates & locks a group of people or community or a society in general in a World or Quadrant specifically made for them. They have no right to hop here & there & Escalate to the rest of the Worlds.

Why you can't classify them with what they're called is because mostly of Bronze Age, they recite whatever the swamiji [witch] gives them to become something then for the next take-over become something else then become something else. Although, the core Zombie DNA remains the same to cause maximum havoc & destruction.

If for instance anyone is one of their kind. What would a sane thing do? Hide themselves & work like others. And if causing havoc is important do it quietly & secretly. But that isn't the case they announce it on radio-active channels, what they want & how the existence should behave. But if you put a little sunshine on what they're talking about. None of it makes any sense at all.

But the fact remains, they aren't The Holy Spirit nor any Spirit to begin with. But they can be anyone you can think of claiming to be exactly that same name, thing or an animal. But in a collective torturous sense. To make the long story short, Darra & Bara are pretty much the same place & they are experts in changing forms. But wait a minute aren't they Pakistani posts? Then what they're on about?

Since last many many months, they were just playing Laddakh. From Jerusalem Gate [different escalation Gandhi/Hitler related] to The Alaska Gate. I told them if you "Ask" thousands of billions of millions of trillions of Questions & people actually are repeating the Answers one way or the other. The point of over-loading people with evil tangible things & treating them like loaded Jackasses, dies here. But if there is Lud or over-loading then there has to be Dakh or Back-fire or an Answer as well, but everyone of US already Answered, whatever there was to it. And that was the case because the later, has exactly the same patterns & serial killing techniques designed by just one individual.

The last escalation we encountered made $100bln in the Profits for causing havoc on Earth & in the end she was like give it to him give it to him. We had to say it'll be used in this years Mawlid.

[*] Arwah, where WA obviously mean DC or Virginia.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.