Tariqah Tijani

They were like really old people without teeth we already encountered in the River Gunga. If you say Audi to your Girlfriend, the Audi will come out of the Bath-room. If you're looking at your cigarette pack that says BMW, they will assign the job to a thing found in the public trash.

Similar stuff was happening with the religion along with everything else. If you say God, the God will come out of the Bath-room. Al though, they weren't concerned with the literature & the Holy Texts as to who The God is or can be for that matter.

When we said, Tariqah or Tijani System, they assigned the job of every aspect of it to the things until the point of no return. Something like or felt as if a loaded Freight Train heading straight to the Mountains accelerating in full speed every moment of the hour for months.

I told them, what's "Tija"? They said, "Soyum" or "Obituary." I said & what's "ni"? They said Jinn or Jinni or something to do with them. I asked, so what does it makes us? Funeral. What kind of Funeral? US or British Funeral. No, I mean exactly? The English Coroners from US or Britain.

I asked, when does Tija happens? They said the Third Day. And what happens on the Third Day? They said Marriage. I asked & who are you marrying Us with? They said the dead bodies in the grave, so everyone can be like them.

I asked so who does the Tija belongs to first? You or the dead body in the grave or to whomever is involved even for a single penny? Isn't it like coming to your own Funeral that's about to get started?

And they all got lifted by the UFO's.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.