The No. 5 Hijacking

One morning I woke up & The Prophet  was removing books & shelves from under the couch. He told the things in the common room, he just died! They said what? He said he just died. I noticed it was hardly few minutes in the mid-night before I said it’s time to kick the bed & went to sleep but it was already 7 o’clock after Fajr.

I told Him  they were playing Bukhari. Mis-using the questioning privilege. I’m thinking of wiping all of them out. If you ask them what’s the foundation & base of your posings, you find them clueless. But they’ve posed almost everything found in the Sahih Bukhari. Especially related to the graves & after-life. I told Him  even if it’s after-life then it’s Naml, the Chinese post on how to dispose off the dead. And the Countries own Intelligence takes care of the rest beside Hindu or Islamic Angels come for the Soul.

He  asked me where is the wife? I said there is no wife just grey-matter. Still have to find the box. And daughter ? I said, she was born in some other time & space, the last time I died. And then SAT permanently brought me over to Venus. He  told me yes! that’s your stationed workstation.

While discussing Hadiths, I asked Him  about sickos pulling evil prayers & about the same kind sodomizing their own kind & the Sahaba killing them in an instant. He ﷺ said yes, that’s correct. Don’t give them half a second to repent. And that’s how it was, even half a second snooze would bring the entire web back.

Some of the other Hadith's Included were:
  1. The Ka'ba Statues.
  2. The Grave Grinding.
  3. The evil believing the Islamic prayers are they themselves.
  4. Throwing evil prayers on People while they are praying acrossed. Just like "On one occasion, when Muhammad [SAW] was praying in the courtyard of the Ka'ba. Aqba brought the waste of a slaughtered camel (skin, intestines, blood, dung etc.) upon the suggestion of other tribal leaders who were gathered there, and wrapped it around, Prophet [SAW] body & placed the rest of garbage on His [SAW] back while he was still in prostration." Every moment of the hour regardless of the religion. The post known to be Laddakh but there has to be someone around to shoot back in real-time.
  5. Answers & explanations by the Prophet  already contained within The Hadith's.
After Dinner the common room became full of witches & just like me He  spoke openly to them. They asked how old is he? He  took out his Tablet, that was connected somewhere. Counted the years from after the year 2228, said 20. They asked no, exactly how many? He  counted again & said well to be exact 19 & some days but yeah 20.

I was having second thoughts about the whole security situation & business & getting tortured & killed again & again like no return. He  took out his Tablet again & showed me the stats that since they started [5yrs almost] there are 4.5 million cold blooded kills just by you in mere alone 1 hour [Confirmed. Winter automatically earned for the whole year]. He stayed 3 days & 3 nights in the common room while I had the great sleep of a lifetime after god knows how many weeks.

They asked me about Torah I said that's the Old Testament. Bible? That's the New Testament & The Qur'an? That's the Newest or Latest Testament. What do you mean? They test you & that's the Syllabus & it's Protection but the later Prophet's [SA] confirmed the previous one's, nothing at all was abrogated. And those 3 religions are Posts & stuff out of them is still happening. They said but in schools they were taught it's just the last Prophet . I said tell me how the environment was like when they taught? But whatever it was they are all dead.

Food for thought



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.