The War between ISOBEL & ISABEL

One of the book in my Library that I like the most is called Planets by Dava Isobel. Yesterday, it was The Orthodox Christmas & while making Dinner it didn't feel right. I went deep in myself & felt Prophet Jesus [SA] came upstairs along with the platter to find out it's Orthodox Christmas, 01/07/2020. It was really hell bent then I came to realize it. And it was the business as usual just like any other Christmas ever, that other's can celebrate while we are at watch. Al though the previous one in Dec was more of a tip of the Iceberg.

The feelings popped in asking if your Christian or Muslim? I said, what about it? Still alive & kicking. I told them Prophet Jesus [SA] is the predecessor of Prophet Muhammad . And He ﷺ respects him just like anyone could respect his most dearest elder. And similarly, Prophet Moses [SA] is the elder of Prophet Jesus [SA] & thoughts of him just how Prophet ﷺ thinks of Jesus [SA].

At the same time there was something related to Nawaz Sharif on TV. That he said something about the Aliens. I had to say, Khalai Mukhlooq indeed from Pluto & the neighboring environments where the deads taken down & were brought back by Pluto King to take over the rest of the Planets. Now that hes dead along with whatever major was there we're just dealing with the rubble.

Indeed in the morning the escalation started playing half blind aunt from the mother India 1957. Iran fired 13 missiles on the US base, felt more as if it's watching Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Streets latest sequel & a blasted broken door of mom's room. But in fact they were just trying to play Yemen.

I made this Graphics some days ago, but turned out to be they started the hanging Gandhi's Wheel in my Cast. Something to do with The Holocaust, as I told earlier Hitler & Gandhi were the same people until we took him out few months ago & because of the change of plans even his soul was burnt & dis-integrated. Al though, the energy can never be created nor be destroyed, but The God has power over all things.

What astonished me was how it got casted, his version or side of the story? Al though the picture specifically shows us superior & the burning fragrance of Bukhoor & the Zikr on the beads should've worked on our behalf. Or even if no graphics at all it should've been what I or We wanted it to be, just the way it is. But it was the other way around & for days & days their version of propaganda got casted & casted without any return.

The blasted door of the Mom's room became because there was a clone in the room & her only job was to caste some serious threats, she thought my Permission from SAT belongs to her. Al though, I said & wrote a number of times, it doesn't mix with others & explained covert & overt in great detail. But then I find them sitting around in the Clinics under Doctors Certifications on the walls, chatting about how do they look. Somehow if you take them out in it's less entirety you'd still find them somewhere peaking around from the Neighborhood. But that's how the general notion on URANUS is at the moment.

The Indian movie PK was right in a way that they were just reporting whats going on & most definitely that could be the Pluto King himself as his clone & Amir Khan might still be in his bed somewhere. That's what cooking or eating people does to the girls they become more powerful. People being the girls themselves in the normal case scenarios otherwise they usually can't penetrate barriers.

The Matrix was also nice but they were reporting as well, where they are heading to the Samuk or Fish colonies in the Future. And they've already taken it & years passed by. But Wallahu Khayr al-Makireen....

Salat al-Fatih
The Opener of all the Cosmic forms hidden & revealed. That came from Non-existence to existence to themselves & then were manifested in the realms of manifestations & vice versa.

I think the War between ISOBEL & ISABEL will continue forever. But the escalations will completely be under control & won't be the way they were ever, anymore.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.