Ghost Protocol

The only Urdu word found in the Pakistani National Anthem is “CA”. And I can write volumes about it. I can just tell you for now personally from my experiences, after “I” feeds your eyes and mind through TV. And the place is undoubtedly the USA. You get birth in an Egg, Fish Egg? yeah. Then it's pretty much like surviving in the “beyond of the beyonds.” Known as Pakistan. Where wandering around is the only course you follow for the rest of the years you serve experiencing and gathering data as a toddler. The relativity gets lost somewhere in reality to it's extreme and the only thing I can remember in the world in my mind [not the one that's largely believed to be] is called the “VAland” [*] even before getting the second birth is just huge walk for miles and miles, although it could just be an small place but is as big and wide as the Pakistan itself.

After when the elders think it's time, you prolly get a Mom on Mars. And spend your toddler years till your 2. Learning basics and the Earth based Deen. The time span is obviously different than on Earth.

You come to Earth in a household as well. Who believes that your her child and raises you. Untill your couple of years old and you find out that there are more Earths and then Earths within Earths. And Rivers and Oceans and Winds. And since your already a “VACA”[*] baby you just get prone to all the information and it all gets added up in your mind and that's perfectly alright.

Then time changes, and something happens and you fall for a Spiritual Teacher. Who takes you on a journey but that journey is your own. He can only show you the light burning on the otherside but your really on your own. He tells you that even the Shaykh doesn't exist and it's only God and You. And that's what you already learned in the VAland.[*]

Then you get to find out that there are layers of Players other then you. Playing for God and there are Kings and Queens. And the hidden worlds etc.

That could be the pinnacle of how you have come to or become or prolly became and just can't run away from being who you are. You may like it or may not. But the 5 rupee note or coin in Pakistan carrying the written number 5 in Urdu, is the bottom line.

[*] Virgnia, Prophet [SAW]



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.