Removal of Sin - Stars

The Prophet said, “My companions are like stars…”

Stars are born rather then become. You might've heard the true stories of the Awliyah that were born like that. And there are accounts of predicting their birth before hand as well in countries like India. As soon as they are born, all the hell breaks lose. And women like Halima wish to adopt the likes and sooner than later the evil forces starts brainwashing the child's memory.

The stars carry history with them because it's believed that they get re-incarnated every time. It's also believed that those who complete their 9 lives to be lived eternally can be resent by the Prophet. They are usually the guardians of the people and are known to help maintain peace. They are also believed to be the helpers of Jannah and Jahannum both and carry out helping missions accross the worlds. Meaning they can go anywhere they want, regardless of the gate counts between Heaven and Hell. This present life or the here-after and even beyond. And for this, Tariqah provides the base where you can ponder and discuss Metaphysics or Quantum Mechanics in a more surreal and productive environment. After all we all agree that mind, body - energy, matter, the connection is easy. And the USA is the biggest supporter in the world of such Sciences, either way.

The cold war began when the Soviets started countering the Iron Curtain Knowledge. So much so that they started mass operations against people, in their own and foreign lands. This has to be countered, and one reason why Kennedy was assassinated is because it's believed that the Americans Copy-cat'ed the Whole Existence in one of the Pyramids. And Russians along with others didn't like that. Hitler was believed to be against Jews 'cause of the same reason.

Any Flag that has a Star on it can be regarded as a US ally, because there is no other way for the Flag or the Country to live or survive other than if not the American Dream has to be The American Way. If it isn't like that then something seriously went wrong.

And by the way, we in Islam has a term called the Lohe Mahfuz or in much easier sense, The Saved Tab. In order for your tab to be saved it has to give himself away for the cause. This cause has to be great or small but in letter and spirit.

To be continued...



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.