No Shaykh No Allah

There are two types of Awliyah. The ones that are closer to Nafila and the second that are closer to Farz. Both have their own Maqamah. But it said that The Ones closer to Farz are the Highest in Ranking because they can adopt to every situation before losing their graph. And their job could be different then the ones with Nafila, reason being they are more towards guiding people and can fulfill their roles to act.

The Nafila Awliyah doesn't or can't give their opinion to lie while teaching. But yes both the types have kinds of students that have different goals. Speaking of goals, it's not the student who decide what the goal is, it's the Shaykh. Or if the student has become a Shaykh himself to set goals. It is said that you don't need a Shaykh to endeavour your journey just follow Shariyah and your done. Infact you do need a Shaykh, mainly because if you join a Tariqah, the path of the University is already set. That once admitted you will have to pass or go through the same stages as your Predecessors or Shaykhs did and earn according to your taste, regardless of what they do.

Now let's move on to what the general curriculum is like or based upon.
  1.  Subtleties or lata'if
  2.  Existence or nafs

Let's dicuss the first thing first. Those that deal with subtleties are usually India based. And once you lose the false subtleties to the ones that are pre-determined you succeed. And all the focus remains on the lata'if and replacing them and ofcourse you have to get the certain basic and advance knowledge of the Deen as well.

Second part, is the Existential Approach. That the African and Hijazi Tariqahs are known for. We consider the Existence or the Nafs to be the center point. And somehow focus on the arrival of the student and it's more of an Unseen World Based. Not the true stories but the real deal. And also Tariqahs that are based on Existence can carry their students from their mother's lap to the Inifnity. Since it's always been a War out there. So the focus remains on tactics rather than anything else. Beautifying shariyah is ofcourse important but the goal is far from it.

Once a student was planing to leave The Tariqah because it was more than a year and he still didn't find Allah. Shaykh Ahmed Tijani asked him what's this mark on your forehead, he said I was born with it. Shaykh said when your mother was pregnant and you were 4 months in the womb, she fell on the rocks and passed but I saved her. And later that mark came on your forehead. He went to his Mom and inquired about it and she agreed.

A lot of the sense also depends on where your share lies. With which Shaykh, it could be that you are with us but someone else gets to drive you. But end of the day, or one day if your true to yourself and give yourself enough time alone to ponder and reflect, you will be with us. Us being the Awliyah of the Fara'is.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.