After 17 years, getting Ijaza from Baba Farid became Toxicly Nuclear. Sabir Pak left for Delhi to see another Khalifah of the Chishti Clan.
The dinner was pretty normal in a long yet very small room. He had him wait pinkedly. Sabir Pak couldn't refute or resist and a never ending arguement began. Sabir torned his Ijaza and the Chiragh that lit his room confirmed as the flame vanished, like it never was. Sabir left him in the middle of the night, saying:
"I Cancel your Permission for Delhi."
Says alot about who he really was, got to be if not almost the same training as Farid went through or may be even better, wouldn't be no way possible otherwise.
As Sabir arrived in Kelyer, the people started hating him. He stayed in a room of a Hindu devotee and went for Jumah as usual, this was his 5th Friday Prayer in a row. He sat right next to the Call Giver. Old people came and moved him to the second row. Then thrown to the 3rd, 4th and in the end, the only place he could find himself was where the shoes were.
He left the Masjid for good never to be returned again and while holding a Fikus Golemerata, closed his eyes, got in the mood and Fried the Whole Masjid along with it's devotees. The woman knew where he could be came running to save her Son which was in the Masjid, as well. But it was too late.
Sabir Pak got so angry that the whole City was under constant Torched Frying as long as, Sabir left back to Mars.
Meanwhile, he trained Turk Panipati. His one and only student, who constantly use to find himself in Turkey. And the people there got so panicked that they built his Empty Tomb.