One of the important Tariqah in the Sub-Continent is called The Suherworthy. The only General name, I could find in the recent past was Shaykh Abul Fes Q. Ali Suherworthy of Lahore [d. 1988]. I doubt if anyone still teaches the way he did with such Grandeur and Howardness.
Much later after Shaykh Shahab ud'din Suherworthy, the Tariqah vanished from the Face of the Earth. Absolutely no teacher to be found at all. The strayed gathered around the Tombs and graves, teaching from books, but those were also not intact. Such Wealth and Knowledge and no heir to carry on. This went on for 200 years, approx.
The Suherworthy influenced Areas began to pray and god knows but the "I" got triggered. A man named Choon was raised, met the Prophet [SAW], went through the teachings in a short while and was given the Permission to make it Alive. And finally, they started to flourish.
Recent times it's really hard to find real Suherworthy's, cause the strays have gathered once again.