NJ 9842
NJ 9842 is the northern-most demarcated line between Indo-Pak, the agreement was signed it seems somewhere in the late 70's between the leaders of the two nations in Karachi.
There are daily reports coming in of drastic ceasefire violations from both sides, and these never seem to end. Once I was going back home from the Masjid praying Fajr, and as I checked my Co-ordinates it pointed to NJ9842. I got curious and tried to investigate what the line is. As I turned the TV on it was all about "Pani" politics which we call Water on the other side of the border. Secondly, the houses once seemed intact with people living happily ever-after, were getting demolished. One other stuff I noted was, you go to pray Fajr and there is an empty land somewhere across the road. And when you go for Zuhr, there is already a House standing, with people we find in Thar or Rajistan, holding "Roosters", either to bet in domestic fights or selling them for slaughter.
I prayed Maghreb in the Courtyard as they were not allowing anyone to enter the Masjid. Although I did alone prayed inside the Masjid. And they started panicking, and of course I kept observing their actions and behavior. After the Salah, I smelled something fishy, As they sat all together on the floor, I took out my beads, sat on one-side and kept an eye. The subject of the matter was, Why does he Eat? As they all started giving their opinions, I heard one person saying he doesn't work, so eating can't be allowed. The other said he can eat but how about if we move from the bottom of the mouth all the way crossing the heart.
Then the last weapon was to work against The Qadiyani's. Although, they were the biggest advocates of them in their daily lives, lectures and khutbas.
The co-ordinates kept showing the same axis for the couple of days, and I kept changing Masjid's and it was the same story everywhere. As I went to Bahadurabad for shopping, I noticed Illegal Anti-Semitic constructions on billion dollar houses. Pir Pagara's House was one of them. Also came to know that the Dewan's are starting to get trouble. And so on and so forth.
I think the last day I spent on those co-ordinates, was AAG TV showing a show on Allama Iqbal, in which the Ali Azmat was interviewing a host from AAJ TV morning show, and she instead started attacking Ali Azmat to go out and work. He said what do you mean? This show is not work? She kept doing him and in the End something got on to Ali as well. And he went completely nuts in the live show.
I checked Facebook and I saw my friend Nu'man Sabir sitting on a getty, somewhere in Qatar. Background had wooden boats in the making. And by the looks of the picture it was annoying to know that everything is really ok. And I thought no it's definitely not ok. The next day prayed Fajr at home. Saw a video of Shaykh Cisse, sitting in his Cadillac Escalade and leaving Medina.
That does it.