Zero Escalation
It was never a 5thGW, a Zero Escalation, an attempt to escalate The Jabarut.
The management moved from the persons life & whatever it contains to his body & then the body parts.
Keeping us busy in our bedrooms & then our own bodies & with the clones of people we hang around with. Limiting and restricting our daily lives and work, then restricting the Religions, turning people towards ugliness based on their Sins.
Qur'an specifically mentions; husbands and wives are the dresses for each-other. [Q-2:187]
And they were making them wear jeeper-creeper coats.
If you ask them they'll say, we are sisters, brothers, fathers etc. But they have absolutely nothing to do with the relationships they are the counter narrative in letter & spirit to the species found in Bermuda, then later the Relationships then later the us and our own-selves. They don't have a name and you can't further classify them. They are just people turned in to "Things." based on their sins of hurting people. Now they want all of us to be like them.
Qur'an say's, Every soul shall taste death. [Q-3:185]
And according to the current meeting in the heavens, they won't be returning ever after.⤩
$name = 'T';
print "Zero Tolerance, from $name.\n";
Our Coat
Their things we encountered
Israel, was external ⤩
Bangladesh #1, ext⤩
Bangladesh #2,ext. ⤩
India, ext. ⤩
New Zealand, ext.⤩
Generic - gay cleavage coat - in addition to previous technological coats even if you ain't gay, prolly cloned and did some horrible stuff. ext. plus internal.⤩
Baysakhi Coat - discovered on the Baysakhi Festival. Usually occurs when you don't ejaculate for days. For all of their coats, as soon as you cum, they try to take over the unused dimensions. And like I said they aren't coats but dangerous beings, associating themselves with India.ext. plus int.⤩
slingshot coat, ext plus int.⤩
Rectum Coat, ext.⤩
Kholi Coat for Pakis, int⤩
Kholi for Indian influenced. Yes! an actual room mirrored inside human body with the hookers inside. Although, next level is the same Indian coat mentioned above without the coat-being just directly shoved in the body. And the zombie bumps his head up. int.⤩
New development: it's this blacked box looks like plastic human body container that they place in front of the human body on top like a front Armour, while he lies down or sleeps usually, the main purpose it seems to accelerate the prayers and alter building process. They place the finger on the buttocks or the waist or the shoulders reciting something and the box gets activated in just few seconds and they do whatever they want or install or abuse. Clones are also generated for black business. int. ⤩
Bangladesh #3, int⤩
Latest Coat encountered, at-least weighs 250kg. various Zombies Inside! ext + int⤩
Wooden Coffin. Remotely placed. Contains something like a tangible ghost, replicated inside real bodies, ext..⤩
Okra - Christmas something! As soon as I checked lunch, thought of seed pods then the Christmas and thought about the tree and then someone said it actually grows on the branches. She was an Indian pretty lady thing wrapped around in jewelry. She turned into Blob and was all over the floor, the bathroom, the bed, tables. Just about everywhere! plenty of clones. And thought the III <=- the alien sign on the websites has something to do with the attached washrooms. Jabba the hut could be her kid brother.ext + int⤩
Gunga Hand taken care of.⤩
Heat Machine, if not front bag-packed, they place one in every room. Couldn't be possible without involving hard-cash somewhere down the line.⤩
New Air Blowers⤩
Figure 1.0 ⤩
Spider Webs are with every person we know so far, that try to speculate. I've noticed the webs hanging on the streets and buildings, hospitals, houses, rooms, people and so on. Resulting in going in to minutest details in the mind and thoughts, causing severe indian type superstitions and fears plus different mental disorders. The webs are wrapped around people like they are a dead body plus further dead things that doesn't rott are hanging and wrapped around the same spider web coat, sometimes serves as Portals. Looks like mis-use and abuse of Jewish knowledge at times.
Figure 2.0⤩
Goat skin sheet⤩
Must be really pissed on China⤩
New escalation: They found out about us. They have everything because they are us. Persuasion on technology is amazing, because they are us. The webs are still around, portals and hangers as such. Cloning left and right, zombie system, quadrants, etc etc. They are jinn kind of creatures native to IoK, weren't sinnedfull made. If you say "us" when they are around, that's a really big trouble. But they are always hanging from the neck in the rooms inside webs, you clear one another one comes. Can take you on a no return guilt or pleasure trip like a charm as well. The team along does the rest. A mix of predecessors in language and scripts. Last breath of whats left of anything system. Even giving the Azans in the mosques, walking down everywhere. There was a white color stick inside main persons from naval till between chests, saw webs getting controlled from it.⤩
Pandu Coat, New beings spotted carrying spears, hiding in the upper basement inside rooms. But one stays in the body carrying the weapon. There are like more than 4 in the hideout or upper basement or cellar or machan, they were working on it while we slept. The suit is kind of something wearing inflatables rubbery balloon.⤩
Cundum Coat: launched in the morning, beside characters there's a kid like something in the fan as well.
Card Board Coat
Emergency Coat: Calling us elephants. Launched all over the neighborhood. It was a fake wooden type of system room. Things like disabled people on wheel chairs wearing nuclear helmets were running around. The nurse could copycat all the things, in and out. Came out to be every hospital ever attended history. Usually pull the nearest hospitals. There's a solid bandage tank without sleeves as well on the chest till waist.Fig 3.0 ⤩
Bots & Clones ⤩
Zero Escalation: Situation Room, appear tangible as they will, and sizes were relative. There were reports they could project from their rooms in India as beasts elsewhere in the World. And eat innocent mammals. Could do some father of US serious talking between themselves as an act, but smelt like dying anything system.
Brain Child Com, it was launched this morning, as usual persuaded for sex followed by a blowjob. I noticed the hospital and a guy with big brains in coma. He said he's been like this since 20 years but operating from what it looked like an old ugly lab with pipes going in and out his head. As soon as we took him out of the body. A guard girl showed-up for a meeting. Said she's Dr. Radha Krishna, the brainchild project director and you need to help us. Later she came flying but wasn't allowed to meet.⤩
Mahila Web, still in use
Yep! they are getting personal, encountered tiny doll things all over the place.
Indian Tapestry, player = sarcasm
Figure 5.0

Now, what do you call all these coats? The term something similar to "f**king" comes to mind, but they were never fa nor their king to begin with.
Zero Escalation: Situation Room, appear tangible as they will, and sizes were relative. There were reports they could project from their rooms in India as beasts elsewhere in the World. And eat innocent mammals. Could do some father of US serious talking between themselves as an act, but smelt like dying anything system.
Brain Child Com, it was launched this morning, as usual persuaded for sex followed by a blowjob. I noticed the hospital and a guy with big brains in coma. He said he's been like this since 20 years but operating from what it looked like an old ugly lab with pipes going in and out his head. As soon as we took him out of the body. A guard girl showed-up for a meeting. Said she's Dr. Radha Krishna, the brainchild project director and you need to help us. Later she came flying but wasn't allowed to meet.⤩

Mahila Web, still in use

Yep! they are getting personal, encountered tiny doll things all over the place.

Indian Tapestry, player = sarcasm

Figure 4.0 That's how it was before the complete take-over ⤩
Mind Trolling
Figure 5.0

Last night, we encountered tiny flying robot kids across KCI, couple of them came in to my room as well. When we double checked they were the mahila spirit locked in the jar themselves. I spotted at-least 3 strategically placed mahilas locked in the diametric jar in my room, surely wasn't projection or simulation. When we investigated they said they are the girls and women turned in to spirits and locked-up in the jar, and they will turn in to fighting robots & operate if need to. Seems like last effort to launch Mother India 2019.⤩
Now, what do you call all these coats? The term something similar to "f**king" comes to mind, but they were never fa nor their king to begin with.
Modus Operandi is they touch you with a finger or two, twice the size of a housefly and as soon as you react or change sides or say something, their general notion is your talking to them and inviting them to take-over your body, they call it their system. Although, you could be talking to your GF or Sister or your Dad. Sometimes you can get lost listening to the Radio or TV, that it's all you playing, questioning or answering. Sometimes they shove shining stuff in your eye that's their manipulated projection, can take any form or place. They can play secretary too claiming, calming and easing you, then taking you down the memory lane at worst, that you already forgotten. We can call it a Delhi Drift. But that's how they are working, at the moment. They are the Hermaphro's means, they relate every fake clone, things and evil kinds back to your Mom. Because that's how their moms are. The term usually means genderless or sexless, but unlike others they are involved with serious black magic. Just because "masi" sounds something like "ma - c" they think they are the Mother of China. But they are the worse maids that someone pays and supports to destroy families and belongings, on a larger scale. They are also pretty much the thinkables, means besides their usual script that they've been practicing since a long time in BD and much later in AF, they can really talk some ultra sensible talk. Makes you wonder if they are the Father of US too. I discovered some Egyptian stuff lately while researching on the cause of heat around. in cybersecurity what we call honeypots, but they're muscatting honey like stuff on peoples bodies, accompanied by beings they call coat. We are discovering Indian alter's on major scale where they place a persons ugly looking replica in a box or cloth they think is egyptian or something, then playing around with it. They love the egyptian labour half pants what they call loongi, because they think it's like unstoppable wash for the subject. But just came to find out or may be they already know they were all armors for the warriors and pharoahs alike. At times you wank to a one girl, then they take you to planing trip, all in your mind, and sooner than you know, you have 5 wives but there are absolutely 0 wives and nobody is in the room, it can go as far as your whole life could be spent locked up in a room, thinking you have family and children, but the girls prolly have sailed out long ago. We've seen a huge link to the rickshaws around carrying prayers and things knowingly of what they call "passenger or savari", but they upon hiring one, usually show who to possess, they take the fare. Meanwhile the subject could snooze, to wake up to something literally sitting inside or outside his head. They are still causing after thoughts or what you call trip down the memory lane, they have the Gaddi Nasheen System, means the worst thoughts are passed down to next person they do business with, and the bothering continues forever. Although, spiritually they aren't of any significance, but they use all that to hang Pakistanese. The unseen webs⤩ are still around. But seems less harmful. They occupy all the anchors one way or the other bruteforcing, we've noticed meetings being held on the other side of the border on each and every thing said and done by the Pakis, sometimes they even can become yourself and have group orgies in and for twisted living conditions. Although, it doesn't matter where and how they live, and which religion they practice, but the subjects one way or the other becomes like them. They think your work is theirs, but as soon as you start working, they start, what they call their mess or food, mental & emotional & lethargic kind of stress. Something like absolute opposite ambiguity. It's 110% confirmed that it's the evil touch of an evil being in the rooms that wants itself to get installed on the computers, softwares, apps, cellulars and Internet etc. and forward the Jobs. Caught a fraternity⤩ doing us, yet to figure out their guru or gurus. Traces leads to the original culprit Mujib-ur-Rahman still on the lose. But got to double check. Face recognition & emotions sensors spotted⤩, based on the jati who took-over your real Mom or Dad. And caused havoc. Usually they pretend they're someone new, every moment of the hour, but it's usually the same company performing on each individual, plus they have access to the data, if not they have prayers in bengali & sanskirit to drag it out. There so called system is taking it's last swing, we haven't moved anywhere, but they've relaunched the sick stuff to check it's final repercussions. They were in stasis mode to begin with and there is or was no system at all. But we're somehow fixing it. They're just servants talking to each other. Confirming, questioning, answering each other. They aren't the question nor the answers, so basically they aren't allowed to question at all. The possession on people is so strong, that they are nowhere near to who they are or what they say. Spotted one of the guru, location was India, caught red handed pedophiling a child which happened to be a real old man, gentile location. Sounds like the blue print for is my ling bud dha⤩. The coat does it's own twisted badgings. Honeypots found packaged in diapers & consumers involved. They were after people who associate themselves with "I". The war it seems has more to do with the, breaking an "E" to rob your lives or "Ghar Lootnay Wala Tola" as they say. Bringing back things things you already disposed and blaming it on the Paki brats. Last night we noticed about 20 foot webs over all the major houses in Karachi. Kind of like working as satellite dish. It has gone as faras as your done drinking tea, they constantly monitor the thought broadcast & patterns and do exactly the opposite. Such as messing around with copyright issues or reporting facebook & twitter Paki posts, looks like they are made and paid for sch stuff. Things were spotted walking around carrying at-least 15 clones easily seen. And we believe each clone carried further clones kind of like payload droppings. But that's how Pakistani businesses were taken out on similar scale. You like something - out sold to the next zombie that doesn't even exist. Their call sign usually is "heat" or "gar-mi", I think they mean "horny" or "kinky" by it. But whatever it is, is based on the movie called "Heat", after which you behave like injured who got shot at, TV channels are majorly involved in perpetuating the reports.⤩
From head to toe it was a pipe with the things inside, a guy who looked like faqir was talking in his native Indian tongue getting translated into English, was just sitting outside. He said they gave him a CD to learn en. from it. Saw plenty of them in a tola marching in and out of hospitals. We don't know who created them but plenty of things spotted around Karachi, spraying liquids and producing hot air around Pakis. Some months ago it was something like ceasefire violation at LoC. But the dedicated things around people for the bad air and sprayings is a new concept on industrial scale. The same kind of things getting people shot at. The mind reading and acting they do openly couldn't be possible without someone paying them. And that's their job to get more jobs. Spotted a guru again through their com saying. It's a religious duty to screw them up nothing to do with any Country. But the Idol will bless the wives for sending their husbands in the cause, then he said they say "Aaver Boys", we will tell them what aaver is. "They themselves teach only to die themselves", but keep them busy learning the way we always do and it was confirmed by them that it's just targeted trainings kind of thing for Pakis. Came to find out the puss we get is usually someone doing tapassya in twisted places in India to gain more spiritual powers without going through the process. The subject gets all the trouble while they enjoy vegetable diets. The subject can be as low as 2Rs. From Pakistan, one abuse or slap earns them their house and belongings and females or kids to screw with. If your praying or reading something, as soon as you put sense in your words, they religiously believe your talking to them stealing anchors. They're operating as dead spirits, first they charge you up to talk like them, then tell you your not allowed to speak like them. As you continue to form a counter narrative only to find out your thinking and talking like them. The main purpose it seems to lock you up in your own room and the house, without ever thinking what's going on outside. If they can form a family within your very own family, then they operate like charms but miles away from charms. Even in the Indian System. As soon as the real people alot you something, we've noticed at-least 3 more visits by the people exactly like them. Although the first ones had no idea who are they but they do warn to watch-out. We asked them many times who sent you? And what do you want? Seems like they are extra smart and can adopt to situations, reading you is their only job. Traces lead to Afghan side, got to double check. It's like carrying an added 60 - 70 kilograms inside their coat, that changes it's course according to your behavior within your mind. I think it has something to do with their belief that Planet Earth is some sort of a prison. A hand appears out of nowhere along with the body and recites some serious hindu prayers likes of which we've experienced in other quadrants sometime back. I believe it makes you look down and loose the confidence. Caught another sadhu kind of thing, location was India, another 2Rs. sold-out. Although, they know very well almost all the Pakistani posts along with their troubled history. I came to the conclusion that they only saw their own side with their own people being subjectively object. But it's not about jobs. It's about suicide driven missions direct from across the border, and they know their home-work very well. And one more thing I forgot to mention earlier, sometimes it's couple of people operating under the guise of a company although they are heavily armed with black hindu prayers etc. Most of the times it's just one sadhu or guru, acting as your mom and your dad and your brothers and sisters and neighbors and cousins and friends etc.. All the roles performing alone. Plus at night's the same dude can rape you [which they always do], multiply you in to clones and have brutal sex with the clones and pull prayers on them, which of-course effects the real person. Sometimes the room behaves like Any stuff or the Matrix, prolly has something to do with the hindu webs⤩ n' stuff nothing to do with the reality or science. Sometimes the body behaves odd like the arm size grows, and according to the Hadith [SAW] the way it changed in front of the eyes, the similar way it had to become normal. Similar case is with with the cash that's stolen or any other thing that's out of the ordinary, it had to turn back to original out of the ordinary as well. It came to my attention that every module attached or installed in the body was a clone itself or at-least sent by someone for the surveillance. What they call khidki has nothing to do with the Window. They're working overtime if they see open or fresh air they can come from anywhere and start spitting in the gnome. Causing havoc leading to sickness and death. It's confirmed from consistent experiences that they're brainwashed in to considering themselves as The God himself, specially when you emphasize Paish over Ta, hitting the Lah, they simply leave the existence. Another 2Rs. sold-out, came to look for work in the morning along with the huge team and diseases, came to find they are all product of girls trafficking in India [Bronze]. I asked the main guy if he's sadhu & he thought it's always been sadha. It's like Bangladeshi traits mixed with Indian or Hindu evil spirits norm, which they once called anything [on suicide missions], may be the last shot before breathing the last.⤩
There's a theory of Cause & Effect, the hindu alters started from casting magic on people using witchcraft, they often consider it with regards to water. However there's nothing wrong with the water and it's upon how evil the person is, using the science such as water. Now imagine hundreds of facilities and hospitals altered in and around people of shadows. For now they are working as someone as small as a dot⤩ and sits on you and grows up inside you. Originally they're something like the size of 2 persons bed, might act as babysitters to put you on a long awaited nap, but getting the alter installed instead.
Whatever is mentioned so far, in the above report. A huge lead was found this morning to a French Comic Simulation, privately owned by a witch, turned out to be Mujib-ur-Rehman herself. She was killed sometime back in the middle ages [relative] turned in to a mechanised dog child [although worse than that]. But the French Patron Saints confirmed about what was going on. And there could be more to follow.⤩
The general purpose of commoners getting hung is usually at nights a thing enters from the back of the head which looks like this⤩ [which on camera sex models alike, comes on Tv shows too]. Followed by a person seriously hit by another thing which is similar to a Moses Tablet. This marks the beginning of a heat stroke [although the weather is exceptionally pleasant] and something similar to brain editing. You could be taken on a roller coaster ride down the worst memory lane being guilty with or without any reason. The same package includes heavy doses of fentanyl & similar substances causing medieval hallucinations. Brute forcing the thighs without anyone doing inter-course or swallowing is part of the same package.
A recent phenomena has come in to play, although I noticed it couple of month's ago. They in reality imitate a dead body on the real person. Kind of like remotely dead. They recite something on the dead body, inject something in the real person and the real and the dead become one. We traced hospitals around at nights doing such stuff in the City. The slingshot coat is one basic example, although there could be many, based on the same phenomena. But one thing is for sure, there are funding's and there are some serious organised meetings in an out.
Caught someone looked like a big female peacock, turned out to be a dead woman awaiting burial. Turned in to many forms of mosquito's as well, causing havoc. But didn't need to locate the body, the sword could finish them off without the burning ritual. The important part is they are after the American proxy satellites operating around the World.
They're blowing air in the noses, after the dot⤩ saga, something exactly like that, but not like that. But the size is sure does huge, something like carrying 80kg, in and around the body. Secondly, the thing that operates or drives within the body carries remote prayers that causes things like bad magic prayers, bad smell, black stuff in the beard, heat [knocks you off], memory editing that you believe in regardless. I'm thinking to call their coats, bags, because the hand comes from the back.⤩
There are still cdiscular or otherwise cases where such as a hindu chunk wanted to become a Deputy Superintendent of Police, he kept visiting all the shops around KCI and some remote places. All the shopkeepers told him he has to wait. Till one day a shop near newsstand sold him the Mobil Adopter, known as charger with police lights burning in it. He became the talk of the town. Then he decided to become a Lawyer and got admission, but the classes didn't start because he couldn't find the blazer. The day he found the black pull-over, was the day he became a Jr. Lawyer at the courts. Another chunk bought the Internet wi-fi device but didn't know what it does, but bought it anyway and showed it to the public, that from now he owns all the devices in the neighborhood. The same guy had 6000Rs. salary. Just after getting a wi-fi device, made a house worth 5000k. There's more to follow.
We encountered plenty of houses accross having a bubble like sub-house, unseen to the naked eyes. The people inside are usually witches, the few that I personally interrogated were from the jungles of the different parts of the sub-continent. Then inside the bubble they further rent the rooms to Indians, something like within 2 to 3 square feet, there will be another room and portal somewhere in India, what they call a kholi. The clones of Pakis it seems all the time gets involved with sexual orgies and things like that. Rest of the times it's just gunter munter recitations. We've noticed they draw the house map on a piece of paper and fly the bubble all the way entering the places. Of-course nothing to do with the actual system but people think otherwise.⤩
I heard the woman say we're going on Hajj and he's our Visa. That's how they're climbing on Human Beings all around the world. Sitting on their backs, but the question is, what a sick hindu got to do with the Islamic Hajj. [Nothing to do with hin or du's, just a right Establishment Project went out of Control, playing gods.]⤩
There is a thing called the sick hindu air blower⤩. She blows air in the mornings on the body, within 10 minutes, the skin becomes weird, the chin becomes grey and all the alters and everything gets installed. They take poop in the skull just above the Jaw. The t-shirt usually swets but in fact it's her piss, that they blow through the mouth. Encountered a South Indian, that couldn't pronounce you know, so calls you know, yannay. He wanted to get work in PN Subs. I think this is the 6th or 7th yannay that we've encountered so far. A lot of them were getting recycled by the Indians after dying. But we've told them if you cross the border or we felt the evil presence from there, there's no recycling for sick trouble makers, it's just helping yourself to get non-existent forever. But they know what they're doing and we know what we're doing.⤩
On the witch-hunt, last time we told the witch to check if there's any grey hair in the chin at all. She confirmed that there are none. Then we told her to call their bosses in India and tell them about it. She connected to them and told them there are no grey hair in his body or chin or head. They all agreed and we double checked everything. But I think besides the Jewish cap that they use on people, there's a handkerchief or roomal, they use on the face, and maintain their data & trends one way or the other on Pakis.
Many of the jatis were found making the subject their already dead evil spirit, son or husband or daughters replica. It may include some part of their daily behavior or the looks or the dress or figure of speech. In many cases they aren't even leaving even if you sleep with a hooker. It's the same 1957 mother india script breathing it's last.⤩
This morning the stiffness in the neck said you can have Hanumaan dress with a big tummy because my wife is pregnant somewhere in India and she kept thinking about you while having sex with me. I came to take revenge from you for having sex and getting her pregnant. Which seemed to be the case. And the English he spoke seemed father of US stuff.
A woman showed-up sounded very civilized, came to know from DHA, and
killing Pak Army is the only job she does. She injected a shot on the
neck, followed by couple of shots on the left shoulder, to kill and end
the sunshine. Came with a witch that looked like my girl friend. We
asked the doc, what are you doing here? she said "fucking" him, while
she was pressing the bed like a massage and reciting gunter munter. She
kept asking what do you mean? we said if you can't make it out yourself
what are we saying, what the hell are you doing here? We kept saying
your not allowed to touch in The Islamic Republic, but she not only was
reciting shit but injected 5 shots, back to back. And the 5 shits went
inside the body, the witch kept rubbing the body to shape it up. We
asked why? she said we are potters and he's harry pot. I came to the
conclusion on this particular kind that they weren't called "mehndi"
because that's the most blessed herb or erb used in Medina Munawwarah by
the Shaykha's plus the Prophet [SAW] loves the Lawsonia Perfume with
passion. They were under the present research could be called as "s H
it" where "it" being the "A" that they abused with passion. Also, they
knew a lot about languages and were perfect with meanings as well. But
were playing out on the grounds foreign to them.⤩
Although, the mastermind behind them, the french self-proclaimed queen witch was killed with the help of Joan the Arc recently. But this could be their last suit ever. The feelings we get are very ni opposite. And they all seem to be lower caste hindus turned in to witches because of what they did. Sometimes it feels like there's your exact replica eating pan or something [nothing to do with the Pan though] with the opened front button's shirt. Bangladesh #3 coat is the reason. ⤩
There are worker witches roaming around KCI, in the houses. That are carrying further things in their body's even if you load the payload or not. They seem well organized fraternity. They constantly drop things, one by one, spotted in the masjids & neighborhoods around. They start from complaining they didn't eat and they want to eat. But they don't eat in front of us for some reason, even though there is plenty of food around.⤩
They think the human beings are the real food. They are not only just eating thoughts and minds. But the things they carry are often diseases. Kind of feels hospital like through their talks, like the lower caste hindus turned in to christians for various reasons then because of what they did turned in to hindu witches. Similar, people I encountered elsewhere as well, even though christians but they worshipped hindu guru's even in the churches, can go to any extent for cash. Looks like more than 1 relative brigade.⤩
New things around something like they breathe in your nose or put their evident hand on the tummy, and the skeletor zombies plus alot of other things gets installed inside the body, on a different level. Spotted filling things inside the head and face or faces as well. A lot of them belonged to different dharamshala's and small towns around India. Famous for making them spiritual but turn them in to something then use them against us. That's why so far, the things could defer but there is similar pattern in their mode of attacks and prayers for different systems, different religions and styles.⤩
There was a really "Fat" women species called as tejas. They were under the impression they are the indian jet "Tejas". And were messing around with the Army Codes and Dresses all around the World. So far so, came to find out they are getting fed enough knowledge about the "subjects" and scenarios, cash and resources. There still has to be someone behind.⤩
Dante's Mask, taken care of. The crazy guy. They started using 5 layers of spiritual platters behind the face on a different level.⤩
Okra - Christmas something! said while publicly flying in KCI. We don't understand your Tariqah System. I said we don't understand what's going on as well.⤩
Just located a clone of someone located near Khairpur, burried in a grave by the locals. They fake cried for it so-much that it became hell bent that it's the real guy. The grave was used to cast spells all over Pakistan, creating heat. Another sick-hindu fraternity located. Upon interrogation they said, we live like that so the whole Planet has to live the same. They would bring irrelevant people from all over Pakistan. And used to recite "garmi, sardi" on them. Same scenario they were doing on the food and clothes, this thing hot in nature and that thing cold in nature.⤩
Last night, there was thoughts gushing. I thought to check what's going on in different quadrants, may be something or someone got replaced or may be a new one came. Couple of hundred miles up, there was an exact replica of the house [wasn't Disney but spiritual]. With the last "s H it" ever left on the Planet. We checked elsewhere, and found some of the Pakistani institution and assets having similar replica's of their houses with their worst nightmares inside, actually working as what they regard as their subjects. All cleared.⤩
Caught an Anomaly [room or lounge without entrance or exit] LoC location was IoK. Came to find out it was operated by a Ghost. The alive people were taken there and mummies would be shoved inside them. That was their com HQ. One death in the shamshanghat was 1 clone and as many deaths and as many clones. They had 20 clones around each and every individual on the Planet. But it was the same _1_ Ghost acting and playing as the radio operator, com. anchor, radio ruhani, bugs, adam's family kind of hands, different Indian family characters, destroying places, banday mataram mastermind, hanging people all around the planet and so on and so forth. Could jump from the Anomaly to Shamshanghat to the Chest and Shapeshift as a Fish. He was messing around with the dresses of specially Army linked personnel because he thought he was himself the Com owner who made those dresses, but in-fact that was all in parallel to the established Com's and were all his clones across. Taken out this morning.
Check Figure 1.0⤩
Last night came to find out Pakistan Railways on-going set-up has been sold by a clone to Sadha/Sadhu Ji Maharaj. There company came over I think yesterday, a 7 foot huge guy appeared behind me for Sex, but did took him out. They could show-up where they want at will, the Sadha seemed operating from India. With the real shit like body inside the mattress. The set-up included a hindu witch in the trains in Pakistan [was already working making webs on the head and possessing with spells]. As well as a different hindu witch replicating a dead body and barried inside Indian Occupied Kashmir. The toy train containing as many as 15 to 20 train bogies and roughly that size in feets, with voodoo done dolls at every passenger seat fell out of the web in my room. The taken out Com included. Fake space projections. But there was still no link to the afridi clone dude in the com and the fat sadhu guy watching tv in India and his real body in the bed. But they were all "A'ing" perfectly and were all one guy more than willing to become the next clonedestine ghost. Got killed along with his company. It was another com establishing effort using Pakis. May be that's how it happened the last time. Check Figure 2.0⤩
Interrogated a thing today, called herself a witch. She showed her mother and said she's half flesh & blood and half bones. A zombie. I said can't you find a male zombie for her? She said we can but they don't have penis. I said and why do you cause all this mess religiously? She said because we love them and they are like our children and we help them out. I asked, so those are your plans of you and the rest of your kinds for our children? She said, what about India? We wanted the whole Planet to look like them and talk like them and feel like them and live like them but the Pakis showed-up.⤩
A woman bought a complete family missile package from a shop in some Indian town. For 20 to 30 rs, she had things like a mother, few sisters & brothers. Showed up in Karachi early morning to look for a job. First, the culprit takes over the subject, his or her mother releases filthy evil smells. You get tricked in to something wrong with the clothes, the moment you think that the clothes gets owned. Then her brother touches the body and you scratch and the itching factor comes. The sisters meanwhile watch the room and whatever it contains while reading your thoughts and passing them down to their control center. One of the thing does the talking repeatedly calling your name, you get
tricked in to believing you are yourself and they are calling you but in reality she believes you
became her mother or vice versa and the sick deads collaborate
themselves further then completely in to the subject.⤩
I still haven't seen any traces of civil nuclear so far, except for the fact, it's all zombied witchcraft. Sometimes I wonder, what the Unix mainframes are getting themselves in to, but anyhow had to clean the virii.
Spotted a secret Chief set-up at an unknown location. 8 hardcore Indian things were used. Again started with black&white racism. 4 locations were used. 1 was inside the actual facility, 3 others were haunted to the core. All cleared.⤩
According to the last report they recently turned human beings in to Aardvarks. Those who were looking for genuine jobs but got turned in to a Sin of working for them? The Aardvarks were the new chowkidaar's somehow someway. After the "tea is getting cold" message. They could wear ruhanis and vice versa.⤩
Taken out Indian witch king, location was Europe somewhere. His post was all about causing Shyness, Blushness and Emotional Vulnerabilities on Earth. Point was plotted without him knowing the bait, almost died of shock seeing the Paki Anomaly and then got killed. Was the main culprit behind current escalation.⤩
There were some breath matching modules around, they match their breath with your breath, causing heaviness and stamina loss. Use to catch people in parks and worshiping places, hating nature.⤩
Encountered thousands of things operating in Pakistan recently, may be an answer to Indian witch king and 4 locations that were destroyed but they were present since more than a month, bothering. We worked out in the middle somehow.
They looked something similar to Bangladeshi Indians [but lower caste communist type hindus]. Men and women were present at their base in some jungle. After work they use to wank, and had illegal affairs and secret couple sex sessions along with lots of alcohol within it. Seemed like che guevara stuff, goes overtime. Other times they were involved with dolls playing for voodoo type stuff. Constant excercises, mind control, brain wash, prayers and things was the daily routine. Monitored, tracked on both sides and taken out, they'll just come to realise that in a day or two. Their whole bothering philosophy was Co or CO² means Carbon & they own the license to destroy.⤩
There's a new company out, a gangster from India. 600, 700 employees. Could be more.⤩
Since, last couple of months, the modus operandi has been they touch you and if you ask why? they say healing you. Then the next one comes removes the previous one, if you ask why? let us work. where are you from? India. What's the qualification? who sent you? India is too big, can you specify or show us the location? what are the names and fone numbers of those people?⤩
You take a nap it's the same as staying up, they're still at war⤩
But they are evil and they touch, inflict and heal and inflict and heal. But the healing and inflicting are both inflictions on grand scale. And the frequency between the two is roughly 4 to 5 mins, and coming from the back.⤩
First, I thought it's the Ocean. Then found out someone paid hard cash for someone to have a new com, ruhani based on intuition, but it's their own things roaming around that you can view. Of-course they must've paid the ruhani's too in their own form of cash. They are roaming around Pak installing new system they call. Had to tell her that Pakistan is a different System. Which in Punjabi means center. So, if your a center boy a center girl is given. And witch too is a wonderful species, nothing to do with the killer things but they always screw up the jargon.⤩
Mostly hindu gurus are operating from Banaras kind of places. Caught one today taken out. Another one operating currently. Usually projections but they appear at will in Pakistan. They are putting a black thread necklace in the necks, while the same woman blows air on the back of the head, in her mind she thinks shes giving the air a blowjob and the pilots will submit. As soon as the thread drops in the neck something appears inside the body. Since past few days, they were doing the evil touch and if you note or ask why?? They say they are healing you, but the only thing they ever know is to inflict.⤩
Last night came to know a white girl in her late teen's was hired by someone. She turned out as Shahnaz Hussain [Indian beautician] but entry and exit points were the main holes in Bombay. She was hired as a contractor to screw Pakistan. The modern building near Techno Center, Hasrat Mohani Rd. was used.
Modus Operandi was from the IoK, Shahnaz Hussain would pop up and in to the Pakistani side, and install A.R. Rehman. Between Paki jaw bone and chin Rishi Kapoor would pop in and sing Shanti Om on flourescent mic. A.R. Rehman would further go down [rose petals background like mazars] and sing stuff there. Meanwhile clone of our own Sarfaraz would install the clay pot or empty matka in the building basement and give directions on how to operate to the lost person. You look in to it and beauty comes to life. A big black mushroom flew all the way from Bombay and got installed in the Hasrat Mohani building. I think it was Darth Vedar sort of a black skull of what they call witch. She would grab people walking and passing by and replace them with her giant hand. Sarfaraz [there were 3 witch clones] would portray that you have to fly so high, that you can get yourself lost. Meanwhile, a person goes and buys a candy calling it Chhuwari Mithai, and the seller gets dragged in to a black pit, with an innocent girl [turned into a kingkong recently, that was their first idea anyway turn children into godzilla and kingkongs] installs a backpack kind of thing for Pakis in general, so that the back look something similar like a chimp. Bottom line was both sides of the LoC are babies. ⤩
The com was installed behind the nose like a sticker and Zaid Zaman Hamid [clone] was on it may be beta-testing, as he spoke the usual red cap was changing shapes and colors.⤩
- Washing naked arms in a Water Tanker Hose [Karachi]. [without a watch or ring A.R. Rehman]⤩
- New dress for mothers and behaviour patterns. [Shahnaz Hussain]⤩
- A guy says to the shop-keeper if anyone comes and asks for credit give him this [broken energy savers] and refuse, while he throws them on the shelf. [Anonymous]⤩
- Mentioned above "Chhuwari candy". [Anonymous]⤩
The Indian afridi spirited clone dude was taken out as well. It was a washing machine in someones simulated house terrace.⤩
While we were at it, we were noticing ugly smell coming out since few days. Came to know they are taking out Pakis and burrying them. The killed subject gets locked in a go-down or mental hospital. While subjects dead body gets shoved inside reputable people. As it rot in the grave while they pull prayers and stuff in the process the reputable persons body smells filthy and kind of like rots along. They are usually the gangs operating around the City.⤩
Secondly, they are playing with the "Three", after the last few episodes, we are finding three quadrant alters. And usually all three operators are something they call witches. Kind of like big ones, So when cleaning the alters or taking them out, got to check the other 2 sides as well. While the original person they abuse and clone stays lost somewhere in any of the 4th quadrant.⤩
In the System anything and what they called System hindi [but different things] they use to move around household stuff from one room to another. Creating a timeline for others to laugh at. Now, the left-over things have gone personal. They touch or give breath and install at-least 8 to 10 different things. From the biggest to small you name it. Even if you have proper jacket, the evil touch comes says, 'fixing you', 'helping you', 'we are removing' etc. or either give evil breath. Modus Operandi to penetrate Jackets is they constantly touch and remove, touch and remove then touch and remove, happens like 24 times in an hour with a span of few minutes. And tada! the system installed and house owned. Now the next thing could be to find a grave and make it proper.⤩
Secondly, they don't watch, they are prone to listening all the jabaruti zero's but there are some that watch and keep tracks [command center?]. The script is like a mix of all the illegal things they were doing inside Paki houses around the world. And if it's a Satellite, abuse is given and don't make a sound or else. They constantly study as to what's happening while owning & dropping anchors one by one, with you knowingly or unknowingly. If your a changed man, they gonna' pull exactly the photocopier timeline of what has happened in your worst nightmares when there ancestors [people turned into their favorite sins] were around.⤩
The current coat in town is the Puppet Coat. A blue colored thick ruhani, may be because got well paid. Sits internally acting as a coat. While there are further layers of left-over things popping their heads-up from left and right shoulders. Another thing bumps it's head inside the neck and fixes it. One more sits at the lower abdomen bumps-out both knees on either side of the naval and fixes the head above China. The left-over hand creatures rest their hand on the left shoulder usually to get the puppet package working in 20 secs time. Considering, if they swear at us or slap us or abuse us, earns them a package called "Garri Bangla" or "Car Bangladesh", with all of the cooking they do to the entire Planet. Got to be trillionaires by now.⤩
We often monitor various meetings they do in the Indo-Pak region, and the take-over packages are based on dedicated work, sick hindu prayers and earning the self-earned lively-hood using the abduct families & houses.⤩
We make profit and earn cash by projecting Planets, and working for the Establishments as a result. The whole countries within our Projections is like a property of God. And whatever, however the original, real person earns and spend, or the Countries earn as a whole. Our Projections replicate all that.

Encountered a meeting in an Urban set-up in Pak. The guy said keep them busy in their own bodies, sometimes tummy sometimes toes sometimes biceps and legs. And for the work, here is the plan and contact this guy for the study. It seems they are coming in, taking out people and cloning them. And from the cash and self-earned belongings, multiply further and turn more people in to things.⤩
There was a quadrant on Pluto simulating Europe. I think they first merged with Earth in the y2k, after Kargil. They use to collect dead hindus from hades and used them as soldiers against people who would make out or get involved in relationships. The evil spirits we double checked were memory aletered and didn't know Pluto. It was one of the last remaining hold of the Neo-Platonist Pluto King. And it was their workers that could simulate Earth as well as merge and slaves and workers get projected and appeared at will even on the roads in KCI. Something like the size of the Citizens of Venus and nobody could ask whats going on.⤩
They had UFO type vehicles, that were always in the Air and flying in the heads of the Players and the Poles, each UFO was linked to the point in the body. But it was all witchcraft and had something to do with India or may be just used them, and they were more than welcome to get used.⤩
There were one room Simulations for different projects. Like just lastnight they launched the evil spirit dynamic grave creators on beds all across. The picture had 2D background with an Indian woman standing in sari holding the door frame and dirty laundry behind her back. If they could trace someone on Earth with dirty laundry and system type visuals background and top of that involved in relationships, they were being targeted. Plus there were plenty of other scenarios as well. We were following them since quite a while and it seems they were the main perpetrators behind every evil stuff that came from India.⤩
They use to fill cow-dung or gober in our bodies. Wherever you relocate it was all about go somewhere else. Case by case. They were all nuked along with their UFO's & Simulations and whatever it contained on Monday, 19:40 PM, 2019. Their Evil Queen is still hand-cuffed on my Bed.⤩
Check figure 4.0
Lastnight, came to know about a network involved in building graves before hanging us in our bedrooms. The main guy was the CEO of Hindustan Chicken Farms, someway he became a slimy human monkey kind of thing. They were experimenting on chickens as well as human beings. It was part of their nuclear program & were working as a team with Pluto things mentioned above, assets as well as what it contained and their complete network. All cleared and taken out.⤩
The dynamic grave creator evil spirits are still on the lose. Although there knowledge & civil nuclear along with their memories was taken out and now they're just left with making mummies or wrapping stuff on the stuff. Plus inside the body or outside, her clones secrete juices or liquids, normal people would think they're swetting. But we extincted the complete species till now along with facilitators and facilitation or whoever messed with the coats and the weather. On Hades the training was like they use to build something, thinking it's their mom or relative from the past, and the next moment it use to fall and this was happening every moment every hour all the time. Without food or water 24/7 for hundreds of years. And they wanted to turn Earth in to their slave production factory. First they have to know the work your doing is exactly who by name and looks. Then the spirit produces the clone, even if you tell who is who they gonna' mess up, even if you don't they gonna' mess up. But it's something like anything stuff so it'll be blessed as soon as the graves on the bed or the evil spirit herself disintegrate sub-automatically. It came with 20 clones but there quadrant owned and simulations destroyed, just the evilness. Killing the evil clone won't help until the grave in the foam is taken out. Their servers and UFO's were all nuked properly as well, along with the every last one of them. They had technology for sure but they wouldn't use water stuff or any of the witchcraft on themselves or their tech but knew how to pose on innocents. Just their mess is messing around will be dealt with ASAP.⤩
Check Figure 5.0
Found my own grave in Wales I believe. The Indian Fraternity network was involved, sick hindu prayers specialised in casting spells wre found. "U"'s don't die and the graves are usually used to cast spells and black eastern magic. Interrogation revealed, it's like $10,000/month to operate using a "U" grave. They usually create a huge mess first, then they play "KAMRA" on the countries and the regions all accross. Top to bottom all taken out and still investigating the rest.⤩
Then the following day, saw couple of ruhani type new things they are trying out. Usually the subjects lose all the memory and the only reason of their creation is to take out enemies. They aret taught few way on how to and that's their entire life.⤩
Yesterday, encountered a thing considered itself a spaceship. They would pick-up Paki children for sex after pulling sick hindu prayers. Then they would throw them from the top in the big dark pitt. And turn them in to eye to eye thing, used for causing death. The terrorist was a Paki, went to India many years ago. The hindu fraternity operating there made him unconscious and took him, on the other hand they prepared a goat like creature with couple of eyes [a thing that could turn in to a goat]. Took her skin off and made the boy wear it while he was still distracted. After pulling the prayers on the alters related to the creature and the boy. They took him to the lone place and the body fell down and he came out with four legs and could fly like a quad-copter. Then he moved to Pakistan as he was from here. And started taking out young children and boys converting them either intocompletely invisible things and for others he thought he became the pilot trainer. He would send his team and come himself and polish the Pakis and treat just like a vehicle. He thought he could turn them in to a spaceship thing like him. He was attached to the fraternity there known for turning humans in to things. Also there are similar fraternity's operating there.⤩
The original report regarding different coats has now lead to those fraternity's, that wants to turn the human beings in to things. Once coat is on, on individual bases. They do collective efforts to pull sick hindu prayers turning them in to something and they become permanent agents. You might've seen people around you that gets ultra-offensive even if you smile or say or think something involving sun-shine, they are exactly that kind.⤩
Busted another com, Lucknow based but was operating from a cave in Nishapur, Iran. Was using more than 12 alters in just the head. A slimy rod in the center behind the head for communications. 24/7 com usage recorded. Cooking, Pakistanis big times want to turn them in to witch-craft or what they call Indian A [Although, traditionally A or no A, the "A" works with or without anyone ever finding out what the "A" is] to work for them. Jeeper-Creeper coat to keep the body hot for the usual process plus alters include 3 bodies in the grave. And a Drone in the center. Modus Operandi is mechanised things come and blow air on you, in few seconds the package gets installed. That was the morning shift. For the night shift read.⤩ TIMFAW
Taken out a site that was a huge slimy pitt in India, replicated 9 more times in Japan. So, that makes it 10. The pitt itself was a huge ghostly demon acting as the pitt hole. Were involved in killing people mainly or their clones secondly and barrying them inside it for $10,000 a job or caste. Had millions of things inside that could project all-over the Earth. They escalated recently and were involved in wearing human beings, I detected a person had things installed at-least in 75 layers [external and internal], until he's deceased and they find just another house and a business to operate. They were also involved with messing up Japan in the brinks of Tsunami and what was to follow. Besides the Demon itself, a fraternity of hermaphro's and their clones [all knowing each-other] or a species you don't even want to think about from India, that were hugely involved in working for them through red-light areas were also taken out. They were the master-mind behind the Zero Escalation.⤩
The grave maker things are still around, although previous beings involved, all dismantled and went to extinction without any return. The new ones coming out armed with 20 clones, their bottom-line being, no-one can work without couple of clones. We said why do we take your clones? Why not we choose clones of our own choice that can work for us and do not create hectic havoc? Secondly, just like the CIA's Abu-Gharib h2o torture. The clones from just one being sit on both side of the bed or chair constantly throwing their breath in the nose and blowing air on both sides of the face and body, seems they never knew what a toothbrush is. And if you don't teleport after having enough, they never stop. So far, the only motive is to take-over the houses by force, the new job seeking way. The process takes few seconds, ending in taking over one dimension and getting Indian clones installed. They think cockpit means to fight with the pilot non-stop, but they forget the air-locked security & air-conditioning.⤩
They aren't even clones to begin with, it's sick hindu prayers or deceased hindu's turned in to things and got associated somehow with the sick prayers using their fraternities who turned them in to the sick deceased to begin with. The woman in bed could be a woman having lunch somewhere in India for all we know. And the bed thing herself, and a 20 clones team to take-over million dollar properties and multiply as they go.⤩

A god clone was found operating at a nuclear site in Libya, Indians all the way. The site was destroyed along with another grave pitt nuclear site [the common stuff all the grave makers were using] the original ghost [actual site] was nuked and 3 other ghosts narrowly escaped. Another one taken out on Monday. Caught operating at a huge nuclear hospital site in India, nuked [was simulating wards and rooms inside Pak, replicating remote Indians patients to Pakis]. 2 I think still at large, or may be nuked as well, surveillance continues, and yet to confirm. Both of them got nuked yesterday.⤩
Although, the grave making business taking it's last toll, and the heat hopefully will be killed across. the new things launched recently looks something like a girl in a space suit but the real picture are dark women wearing saaris with tika on the forehead. Facilitators, handlers and managers for heat torture & hanging of Pakis around the globe. This morning caught a gangster in India, one of the master minds behind this.⤩
Caught a beggar-afridi kind of being sitting below the Neti Jeti bridge. As soon as we spotted him or her he started releasing around 80+ tiny little saaris tika women in girly space suits from his body. Looks like a real human being turned in to something and that's his only job to drop payloads when he sees death coming. At the same-time we spotted evil women dying on the streets of Bahadurabad [Naheed Super] and Tariq Road. But the beggars are operating all over Pak. And new ones coming all the time. Still on it.⤩
Secondly, in all of the above report one pattern that doesn't go missing no matter the different country gates you'll use is, they don't even let you think of Israel in a positive way. As soon as you even picture the flag in the mind something pops-in with a black thorny being that starts wearing you, causing sudden death for most of us. And this was pretty much common through out in 5 years journey in dealing with them. As of now, the condition is still the same, gotta' look into this as well.⤩
Since couple of days, there are new kind of things, that spit on peoples faces & foreheads even hair. The saliva is something like if they spit on the match-box, the match-sticks keep vanishing. Seems remotely controllable by someone.⤩
Intercepted an Indian Projection last night, seems to be the new System after Mother India 1957. It will be given to their people soon. It starts with the Delhi-Lucknow Setup in your own common rooms, and they've simulated almost everyone's. It can also be called as Kunghi or Lucknow Comb, feels like it plus the smell is something like rotting oil. That's how it is:
Although, only they think the right side of the face and left side and left-eye and right-eye. But there's no such thing like it. For all of us, the right was and still is the left and the left is right, before the change of plans. And if you really want to deal with new ones in the Haqiqah or Reality way. Shaykh Ibrahim [Baye] said, both hands of the believer are right hands. And that's what we always believe in.
They are all sick evil sinner hindu spirits, granted privilege to act like us. And with the history in mind, the projection could kick-ass, but they are the next level of slime, filth & being dirty.
Another pitt taken-out, location was relatively Dehli but projected plenty of places around the World. They were black colored things, called themselves spirits. They said they were selected and hired for the program on low salary and since they were too excited they joined it. They turned them in Kall spirits, they use to come out of the bathrooms and lived in main-holes. A male and female ghost was there guardian angel and the pitt itself. There last words were they don't care how the ending will be. And if it's possible to have genitals and sex. We said yeah but according to the background patterns & rules we can't mess that and there will be no after life.⤩
Recently we have taken-out 50+ sites related to hanging Pakis around the World. They were mainly linked with grave tola's and creating graves. The escalation is they bring their system inside houses calling it The System, but in reality is a ruhani bought for 5Rs. or 5 cents. The same system has portals that open elsewhere such as India. And there are plenty of local operatives one way or the other, monitoring and pulling the trigger. We had no choice but to have them dis-integrated all over the World. Where every they are.⤩
It was like an under-siege, and the ruhanis would get in the head and start calling it the System, faking pictures and cooking the person. Containing un-limited clones, spitting on the faces, slimy ruhani thingy coats, sat on the back fingering the body and at the same time a thing would blow air on the eyes. Without any stop 24/7. The things inside the body would attack the eyes from the inside. The evil touch that could install the System within few seconds or the breathing inside the nose or body does the same job, they called injection. Just like the fake medicine it serves the purpose of injecting their stuff dis-figuring the body. It had a penis like thing rod shoved at the back of the head to facilitate hanging through evil whims. No connection to reality but still gets pulled.⤩
There was a quadrant on Pluto simulating Europe. I think they first merged with Earth in the y2k, after Kargil. They use to collect dead hindus from hades and used them as soldiers against people who would make out or get involved in relationships. The evil spirits we double checked were memory aletered and didn't know Pluto. It was one of the last remaining hold of the Neo-Platonist Pluto King. And it was their workers that could simulate Earth as well as merge and slaves and workers get projected and appeared at will even on the roads in KCI. Something like the size of the Citizens of Venus and nobody could ask whats going on.⤩
They had UFO type vehicles, that were always in the Air and flying in the heads of the Players and the Poles, each UFO was linked to the point in the body. But it was all witchcraft and had something to do with India or may be just used them, and they were more than welcome to get used.⤩
There were one room Simulations for different projects. Like just lastnight they launched the evil spirit dynamic grave creators on beds all across. The picture had 2D background with an Indian woman standing in sari holding the door frame and dirty laundry behind her back. If they could trace someone on Earth with dirty laundry and system type visuals background and top of that involved in relationships, they were being targeted. Plus there were plenty of other scenarios as well. We were following them since quite a while and it seems they were the main perpetrators behind every evil stuff that came from India.⤩
They use to fill cow-dung or gober in our bodies. Wherever you relocate it was all about go somewhere else. Case by case. They were all nuked along with their UFO's & Simulations and whatever it contained on Monday, 19:40 PM, 2019. Their Evil Queen is still hand-cuffed on my Bed.⤩
Check figure 4.0
Lastnight, came to know about a network involved in building graves before hanging us in our bedrooms. The main guy was the CEO of Hindustan Chicken Farms, someway he became a slimy human monkey kind of thing. They were experimenting on chickens as well as human beings. It was part of their nuclear program & were working as a team with Pluto things mentioned above, assets as well as what it contained and their complete network. All cleared and taken out.⤩

Three days ago we busted alterings, around LHC. What they usually become after death kind of like a balloon was buried inside on the rightside. Plus sick hindu prayers. Than on the front I think at-least 1000 foot inside were again sick hindu prayers and dead spirits.⤩Check Figure 5.0
Found my own grave in Wales I believe. The Indian Fraternity network was involved, sick hindu prayers specialised in casting spells wre found. "U"'s don't die and the graves are usually used to cast spells and black eastern magic. Interrogation revealed, it's like $10,000/month to operate using a "U" grave. They usually create a huge mess first, then they play "KAMRA" on the countries and the regions all accross. Top to bottom all taken out and still investigating the rest.⤩
Then the following day, saw couple of ruhani type new things they are trying out. Usually the subjects lose all the memory and the only reason of their creation is to take out enemies. They aret taught few way on how to and that's their entire life.⤩
Yesterday, encountered a thing considered itself a spaceship. They would pick-up Paki children for sex after pulling sick hindu prayers. Then they would throw them from the top in the big dark pitt. And turn them in to eye to eye thing, used for causing death. The terrorist was a Paki, went to India many years ago. The hindu fraternity operating there made him unconscious and took him, on the other hand they prepared a goat like creature with couple of eyes [a thing that could turn in to a goat]. Took her skin off and made the boy wear it while he was still distracted. After pulling the prayers on the alters related to the creature and the boy. They took him to the lone place and the body fell down and he came out with four legs and could fly like a quad-copter. Then he moved to Pakistan as he was from here. And started taking out young children and boys converting them either intocompletely invisible things and for others he thought he became the pilot trainer. He would send his team and come himself and polish the Pakis and treat just like a vehicle. He thought he could turn them in to a spaceship thing like him. He was attached to the fraternity there known for turning humans in to things. Also there are similar fraternity's operating there.⤩
The original report regarding different coats has now lead to those fraternity's, that wants to turn the human beings in to things. Once coat is on, on individual bases. They do collective efforts to pull sick hindu prayers turning them in to something and they become permanent agents. You might've seen people around you that gets ultra-offensive even if you smile or say or think something involving sun-shine, they are exactly that kind.⤩

They aren't even clones to begin with, it's sick hindu prayers or deceased hindu's turned in to things and got associated somehow with the sick prayers using their fraternities who turned them in to the sick deceased to begin with. The woman in bed could be a woman having lunch somewhere in India for all we know. And the bed thing herself, and a 20 clones team to take-over million dollar properties and multiply as they go.⤩

A god clone was found operating at a nuclear site in Libya, Indians all the way. The site was destroyed along with another grave pitt nuclear site [the common stuff all the grave makers were using] the original ghost [actual site] was nuked and 3 other ghosts narrowly escaped. Another one taken out on Monday. Caught operating at a huge nuclear hospital site in India, nuked [was simulating wards and rooms inside Pak, replicating remote Indians patients to Pakis]. 2 I think still at large, or may be nuked as well, surveillance continues, and yet to confirm. Both of them got nuked yesterday.⤩
Although, the grave making business taking it's last toll, and the heat hopefully will be killed across. the new things launched recently looks something like a girl in a space suit but the real picture are dark women wearing saaris with tika on the forehead. Facilitators, handlers and managers for heat torture & hanging of Pakis around the globe. This morning caught a gangster in India, one of the master minds behind this.⤩
Caught a beggar-afridi kind of being sitting below the Neti Jeti bridge. As soon as we spotted him or her he started releasing around 80+ tiny little saaris tika women in girly space suits from his body. Looks like a real human being turned in to something and that's his only job to drop payloads when he sees death coming. At the same-time we spotted evil women dying on the streets of Bahadurabad [Naheed Super] and Tariq Road. But the beggars are operating all over Pak. And new ones coming all the time. Still on it.⤩
Secondly, in all of the above report one pattern that doesn't go missing no matter the different country gates you'll use is, they don't even let you think of Israel in a positive way. As soon as you even picture the flag in the mind something pops-in with a black thorny being that starts wearing you, causing sudden death for most of us. And this was pretty much common through out in 5 years journey in dealing with them. As of now, the condition is still the same, gotta' look into this as well.⤩
Since couple of days, there are new kind of things, that spit on peoples faces & foreheads even hair. The saliva is something like if they spit on the match-box, the match-sticks keep vanishing. Seems remotely controllable by someone.⤩
Mother India 2019
Intercepted an Indian Projection last night, seems to be the new System after Mother India 1957. It will be given to their people soon. It starts with the Delhi-Lucknow Setup in your own common rooms, and they've simulated almost everyone's. It can also be called as Kunghi or Lucknow Comb, feels like it plus the smell is something like rotting oil. That's how it is:
- 3 kids found running back to the exit of the common room, their mom sneak peaks the family. Few minutes later we found her glued on people. From the hair cap all the way down. I don't know how they did it but it's surely glue kind of thing. Once your done, the next level.
- A woman with hair missing on the frontal scalp, looks like the anything aunt stuff, Sneak peaks from the common room. And seems like you have to deal with her. Then the next level.
- A dirty, filthy girl aged 13 or 14 stands between the common room and the lounge. And grows in size, eyes seems colored. Although, when we experimented talking to her. The voice was coming from elsewhere and she was just doing lip service. As soon as she grew up to be a blonde kind of thing. As soon as we showed interest, a dude came from behind, skin looked like made of Plaster of Paris yet to dry and started killing things in the common room with a hunter whip. And it seemed he won the trophy.
- A bride loaded with gold & bridal dress sneak peaks from the common room but this in the background it's a new kind of house with blinds on the windows. As soon as she appears, the red double decker Indian bus stops with greenery behind. Looks like a real shoot recording. She gets off the bus and walks from the right eye to the left eye [Pakistan] and as soon as she crosses the nose, dies in a car accident. Says to the next girl standing, please take care of the left eye. And her ghost takes over the persons body.
- The girl standing in Pakistan moves up and down the head. And pops-up in the common room.
- She becomes pot Jhava or Scrubber, you scrub your body with. Then she turns & changes in to sewing machine. She checks out places and neighbor-hoods taking over young girls. Then she turns them in to things as well. First, she would become 4 barrel head creature. Swallowing the girl/boy. Now shes in-charge, and becoming and turning people in-to things seems to be the only job of the each company she forms.
- The bride comes home and turns out to be the frontal scalp woman is still around, and they dog-fight each other in Pakistan.
- While in India, a Yeti kind of giant roars and becomes powerful. Transferring the power back to her. She kills either the daughter-in-law or vice-versa. reason for the Yeti's power, because either one's grave will be on the other side. We saw them turning in to proper blue colored robots with UFO kind of head, lights blinking around the helmet. But when we double checked they were evil hindu women spirits, locked in a certain diameter and whirling. By the looks of it they didn't know what's going on.
- The frontal scalp woman becomes younger & younger & causes storms in Pakistan. Dies and becomes a small child. May be born from her own daughter-in-law?
- Still the same house, horizontal blinds, we noticed Minaars & Masjids. Kind of like a cold desert. The common room is fine and the child starts to dance with the doors in the lounge. Opening a Viranda with so much fresh air, unbelievable. It's exactly like the Kottha in Lucknow, or what you may call the red-light center.
- The child turns in to the likes of anything, with ringing anklets and white flowers in the hair. Eye make-up and creme saari. Soon she starts to dance in the common room, and things something similar to the diya low or oil lamp flame but kind of like bright-light, moves out and spreads. While she dances and dances in the first or the common room while sitting and things like water tash-kent comes out of her abs that gets distributed around her, but shes alone and there's no one around.
Although, only they think the right side of the face and left side and left-eye and right-eye. But there's no such thing like it. For all of us, the right was and still is the left and the left is right, before the change of plans. And if you really want to deal with new ones in the Haqiqah or Reality way. Shaykh Ibrahim [Baye] said, both hands of the believer are right hands. And that's what we always believe in.
They are all sick evil sinner hindu spirits, granted privilege to act like us. And with the history in mind, the projection could kick-ass, but they are the next level of slime, filth & being dirty.
Another pitt taken-out, location was relatively Dehli but projected plenty of places around the World. They were black colored things, called themselves spirits. They said they were selected and hired for the program on low salary and since they were too excited they joined it. They turned them in Kall spirits, they use to come out of the bathrooms and lived in main-holes. A male and female ghost was there guardian angel and the pitt itself. There last words were they don't care how the ending will be. And if it's possible to have genitals and sex. We said yeah but according to the background patterns & rules we can't mess that and there will be no after life.⤩

We told them if you ever enter Pakistan again, the second half of existence. You'll be ambushed without even knowing what happened. And like always there is no-return.⤩

Intercepted a simulation originated from Tarapur, it was about a house between Saudi Embassy & Zamzama, KCI. The two story house contained the afridi-beggar ghost itself. The flew all the way from there having trouble in the middle somewhere. The simulation again was a Johnpra or a dirty hut in the common room. As soon as we removed the Mother India 2019 story-line simulation. The things again were human-beings turned in to weird witches in a coat shell of Sherry Rehman, Siahla [China] face operator and couple of others.⤩
I think as they are getting the new 6 reactors from the US. Should focus on getting rid of their previous story-line kind of Systems based on Zombies & the Dead turned in to something ridiculous, and lose animosity somehow. That is why their own Gods on Venus doesn't like them, doesn't share a thing. And they can never see them as well. It has to be sustainable and perfect nuclear energy, As soon as our new sites are ready they can send the decent ones for the training.⤩
The witches were launched or got launched somehow themselves sometime ago. There Philosophy was everything you feel, or the way you feel you have to see it as well. If you try to picture it, they will distort and the feeling or the person related or may be yourself becomes distorted causing a chain reaction.⤩
The bothering was about "Tok" or in Urdu 'ٹوک''. Only the American posts were targetted while spreading like a wild-fire. The sick and weird guys were sitting & doing nothing in the hotel rooms in different cities of Pakistan, specially Tariq Rd. Bahadurabad & Clifton in KCI.⤩
I think 3 days ago, we encountered and investigated few people that were operating around Pakistan. Usually using graveyards and national monuments and leaders tombs. We asked them how did you get to Pakistan? They said to look for a Job. We said do you have a Visa or a Passport? And the Authorities letter to work? They said no not at all. Then we said how did you get here? What was the passage? They said we just walk and recite something and get to wherever we want. Further they said, the Indians gave the job to take out Pakistanis and that's the only job we have at the moment. If you can give us a better job, we will be more than willing to work for you as well.⤩
Meanwhile, noticed a guy sleeping on a bench in an abandoned house somewhere in Urdu speaking area. The house they attacked, owned and destroyed. Even the wooden windows and doors were broken, his post was something about the Fans in the rooms. A guy hiding in an empty plot full of trash inside a grave also in some Urdu speaking locality, pulling sick hindu prayers, he called his daughters but they were innocent girls turned in to spirits, space suit stuff and in reality living in poverty in slums in India. We encountered usually Masjids with grave or graves inside the floors, houses with graves & graveyards as well in almost all parts of Pakistan, Iran, India, Afghanistan, Houston, Seattle, Los Angeles and New York. They were playing Iran on us using KALL and other stuff. Using peoples graves to pull their things. Turned out to be a sick hindu fraternity associated with their program.⤩
I wonder what happens when the front gets occupied? I told them Pakistan is Pakistan on every Planet we find. And Pakistan itself owns it's own front. The houses, the properties, businesses and belongings are almost exact as on Earth. Although, you can take out the evil clones pretending to be you and causing trouble. If you want an Indian front you can go back to India. And get a Passport and Visa before entering Pakiland.⤩
We came up with the formula based on the thought patterns of their installing and removing things trick based on their track-records and thought patterns, to make the person vulnerable.
Caught a facility faked as a hospital but again their nuclear stuff. All the operators including the staff & everyone else were dead turned in to evil spirits then upgraded and given bronze coats. The kind of sophisticated attack we were experiencing since past couple of weeks or may be way beyond to Pakistan was from them.⤩
All of them were constantly requesting to remember them because Indians turned them in to something for their nuclear agenda. And what good is Pakistan? I said you guys f*cked us with 20 million condoms & now want us to pay for the price tag? Only two sites were discovered all of them taken-out.⤩
They had departments like, The nerve center, neck, legs, tummy-back, bi-ceps & thighs. Besides that a huge collection of problems related to their departments. Basically dead hindu mahila spirits, found plenty of them doing osho stuff such as drugs, sex, alcohol etc.⤩
There are two animated characters left from Pluto, one is a witch & the other one is a white space suit girl [animated white young but in-reality old evil spirits]. They use to carry inside them there great grand fathers, that were the real inhabitants there and they called themselves there grand-daughters. The really old men sorcerers were all killed along with their UFO's, Alters & Sites, in the last-encounter in their own simulations & projections. Last night we encountered a spaceship carrying one of their Indian scripted & designed system. For now, only these two left with plenty of clones. They were using Ancient English Viking prayers. The book of Secrets refused to work for them once it found out who we are & the evil population met their fate. ⤩
The current trend is they just right-away spit on the face from out-side the house or the room ending in bunch of saliva straight on the right-side of the face and tada! a coat to turn you in to a goat, and measles appear almost instantly and an evil-craft system to depend and live-by. I've also noticed the major houses and sites on google maps has a picture of different animals crossing roads and walking near-by those houses, giving an indication of how to go about in those areas.⤩

Intercepted a simulation originated from Tarapur, it was about a house between Saudi Embassy & Zamzama, KCI. The two story house contained the afridi-beggar ghost itself. The flew all the way from there having trouble in the middle somewhere. The simulation again was a Johnpra or a dirty hut in the common room. As soon as we removed the Mother India 2019 story-line simulation. The things again were human-beings turned in to weird witches in a coat shell of Sherry Rehman, Siahla [China] face operator and couple of others.⤩
I think as they are getting the new 6 reactors from the US. Should focus on getting rid of their previous story-line kind of Systems based on Zombies & the Dead turned in to something ridiculous, and lose animosity somehow. That is why their own Gods on Venus doesn't like them, doesn't share a thing. And they can never see them as well. It has to be sustainable and perfect nuclear energy, As soon as our new sites are ready they can send the decent ones for the training.⤩
The witches were launched or got launched somehow themselves sometime ago. There Philosophy was everything you feel, or the way you feel you have to see it as well. If you try to picture it, they will distort and the feeling or the person related or may be yourself becomes distorted causing a chain reaction.⤩
The bothering was about "Tok" or in Urdu 'ٹوک''. Only the American posts were targetted while spreading like a wild-fire. The sick and weird guys were sitting & doing nothing in the hotel rooms in different cities of Pakistan, specially Tariq Rd. Bahadurabad & Clifton in KCI.⤩

We came up with the formula based on the thought patterns of their installing and removing things trick based on their track-records and thought patterns, to make the person vulnerable.
Evil intensions ∝ Dis-integrate ÷ 20 secs lul faqir
Caught a facility faked as a hospital but again their nuclear stuff. All the operators including the staff & everyone else were dead turned in to evil spirits then upgraded and given bronze coats. The kind of sophisticated attack we were experiencing since past couple of weeks or may be way beyond to Pakistan was from them.⤩
All of them were constantly requesting to remember them because Indians turned them in to something for their nuclear agenda. And what good is Pakistan? I said you guys f*cked us with 20 million condoms & now want us to pay for the price tag? Only two sites were discovered all of them taken-out.⤩
They had departments like, The nerve center, neck, legs, tummy-back, bi-ceps & thighs. Besides that a huge collection of problems related to their departments. Basically dead hindu mahila spirits, found plenty of them doing osho stuff such as drugs, sex, alcohol etc.⤩
Pluto Left-over

We've noticed the diya low from Mother India 2019, are wearing everyone since last 4 days. They came out as a photon flame coming out the evil-craft systems. Now they're upgraded & operating as clones. The picture mentioned above of dead girls turned evil spirits & strategically placed in the houses, are actually the first layer of protection for the evil-crafts. I've discovered at-least may be 2 or 3 layers.⤩

The google shouldn't allow public editings for the time being until we get them sorted.⤩

They're funded mostly by Indian assets and businesses.
⤩ Although, images and paragraphs mentioned here are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe. It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings.