Napak Wajood

When you place your foot in to any discipline the first thing ever by school or college has to be seen by the parents is what Aqidah to train their kids in. The difference between Ashari and Maturidi, Aqidah is of six points. Malikis been Asharis and Henfi's being Maturidi. Aqidah basically means the environment you get raised in.

It's very easy for us Pakis to adopt Hijazi or African Systems to deal with existence as well as have our own environment created at some point later after graduation. Mainly because of the religious background, even if religion has no priority like most of us, doing your passion can be your religion.

The trends these days are anonymous for worst. Even if you have everything but you don't have nothing. There's so much to do but there's nothing to do at all. If you don't pray you panic and everything connected with you gets panicked & distorted as well. Although, for most of us watching someone pray burns our entire existence.

The other day, someone asked, Allah seems successful. Does Allah know Muhammad [SAW]? Problem was somewhere in their houses, could be evil, could be horrific, waiting for the orders to push the button. And meanwhile assimilate the Deen from the ranks within.

It's not even teaching, it's not even war, it's not even animosity. I'm still looking for the right word for it. But I think it's something based on possessive religion, that you've practiced so much so, that it went in your veins and arteries and became the part of their daily lives. The molecular structure and energy patterns & what it contains is totally another story, and a new subject to begin with for most of us.

Imam Malik is someone that we follow to counter all the evil that ever existed, since the Prophethood was given to the Prophet [SAW]. And the only Aqidah that we follow is Ashari, may be because it has something to do with The Swords. And that's what it sounds like too I believe. But whatever has been said and done regarding the Imam, it has more to do with Royalty and much less to do with other things.

So far, we're only concerned with removing the roots of cause from the neck up & down. Leaving the population aside. But it could change as well if they keep on possessing.



Although, images and paragraphs already mentioned are taken care of, but others we have to monitor and investigate and double check on everything, including the gangs and culprits and their movements & networks, facilities if any and the source of their funding and the traces of which all around the globe.
It takes small relative time to come in to effect, because of the nature of things involved, based on findings, but besides all the given details it can be done ASAP, as well.